Message from @sixfivebyfiftyfive

Discord ID: 796489891529097276

2021-01-06 21:11:39 UTC  

Pfffft, I was happy to see it when I woke up <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-01-06 21:12:14 UTC  

The @FBI Agent is watching us!

2021-01-06 21:13:00 UTC  

The person who is critical condition has been has been taken to hospital

2021-01-06 21:14:15 UTC  

like we needed the demoRats to have more ammo

2021-01-06 21:14:37 UTC  

It was a trump supporter who was shot

2021-01-06 21:15:13 UTC  

This entire thing became a damn clown show. WTF is wrong with people these days?

2021-01-06 21:16:03 UTC  

whats the news on pence yall

2021-01-06 21:17:02 UTC  

Senate evacuated, VP Pence ushered to secure location

2021-01-06 21:17:19 UTC  

thank god. hopefully they will be okay.

i've predicted this but i fear it's not the worst yet

2021-01-06 21:18:36 UTC  

I'll try to keep y'all updated

2021-01-06 21:19:49 UTC  


2021-01-06 21:19:56 UTC  

The national guard has been deployed and

2021-01-06 21:20:11 UTC  

thank you, Clems. you're great

2021-01-06 21:21:06 UTC  

The national guard are awaiting orders

How long timer hear?

2021-01-06 21:22:07 UTC  

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">January 6, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

2021-01-06 21:22:50 UTC  

If anyone wants to see the video I can't share it here, dm me

2021-01-06 21:23:13 UTC  

yes. i saw that mentioned in gen 1 by Taco. i believe it's 2 units being sent out?

2021-01-06 21:25:52 UTC  

"National Guard's being deployed in DC.
The Army activated the entire D.C. National Guard, 1,100 troops, an Army official said Wednesday, and Virginia’s governor dispatched members of the Virginia Guard along with 200 Virginia State Troopers to quell the violence in the nation’s capital.

The troops are being sent to the D.C. Armory, to be deployed to the Capitol and to other points around Washington.

The decision, by Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy and acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller, comes as pro-Trump protesters have overwhelmed Capitol Police and prompted a curfew from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. in Washington.

Pentagon officials have been loathe to have uniformed National Guard units deploy to the Capitol, preferring to put the Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police out in front, to avoid the specter of a military battling election protests. But the tense standoff at the Capitol, and the breach of police lines by Trump supporters, led to the decision, officials said."

2021-01-06 21:26:28 UTC  

^twitter wont let that tweet be retweeted anymore b/c of "false claims of election fraud" like holy shit Trump is talking to his supporters to tell them to me peacful!!! Do people really want a war? They are poking a fire! 😫

2021-01-06 21:27:04 UTC  

Mike Pence sides against trump offically after having been on the side of the Congress for some time now.

2021-01-06 21:28:32 UTC  

Upon further inspection I found out my eyes are green and not Hazel. Three years ago I had some gold spots but they faded out for some reason.

2021-01-06 21:29:23 UTC  

it is predictable. pence is a part of the machine. he just has an "official" reason to turn against trump now

2021-01-06 21:30:45 UTC  

Pelosi's social media accounts have been hack or she's high rn

2021-01-06 21:31:58 UTC  

could be both

2021-01-06 21:32:35 UTC  


2021-01-06 21:33:13 UTC  

someone stole a podium i am shook

2021-01-06 21:34:02 UTC  

I would share images and videos here but I'm trying not to get ban rn

2021-01-06 21:34:34 UTC  

shit and ossoff won shit shit shit

2021-01-06 21:36:48 UTC  

They somehow got professional cameras and cameramen into the building due to the quality of some pictures,.

2021-01-06 21:38:02 UTC  

👀 i saw Elijah Schaffer was also in the place. perhaps they are residing here for tonight

2021-01-06 21:40:32 UTC  

Hi, this is my last thing for one minute. Fun

2021-01-06 21:41:04 UTC  

Take a gander in <#727616207619883128>

2021-01-06 21:44:25 UTC  

We officially have a blue White House, house house, and senate!!!
Yall wanna come see the nuclear war shelter I’m building?

2021-01-06 21:47:01 UTC  

shoot for it

2021-01-06 21:49:08 UTC  

Congress's special podium has been taken by someone

2021-01-06 21:56:27 UTC  


2021-01-06 21:58:01 UTC  

There is a probability that antifa is apart of this, since hundreds of them were spotted being brought into the capital by bus

2021-01-06 22:00:49 UTC  

A Israelite extremists group has joined the event armed with clubs

2021-01-06 22:00:58 UTC  

Do you have any more info on that? It sounds very useful at the moment.