Message from @Babyshaker

Discord ID: 606525168075931648

2019-08-01 16:26:30 UTC  

lets start the church of the great leprechaun

2019-08-01 16:26:36 UTC  

I agree

2019-08-01 16:26:37 UTC  


2019-08-01 16:26:40 UTC  

all hail the pot of gold!

2019-08-01 16:26:53 UTC  

Where are my altar boys

2019-08-01 16:26:57 UTC  

The Red Pill church

2019-08-01 16:27:01 UTC  

I demand altar boys

2019-08-01 16:27:18 UTC  

any who disturb the lucky charm church will be sacrificed !

2019-08-01 16:27:35 UTC  

For further information look at the writings of Rene Guenon

2019-08-01 16:28:19 UTC  

finally a church with no pedophilia lol

2019-08-01 16:28:25 UTC  

Hermeticism as a philosophy is rather interesting. too bad a bunch of new agers are hijacking it

2019-08-01 16:28:41 UTC  

@ManOWar I can't refute that

2019-08-01 16:28:57 UTC  

@Babyshaker thats what you think <:BootyWarrior:591320202034282550>

2019-08-01 16:28:58 UTC  

All hail computing forever

2019-08-01 16:30:20 UTC  

@Nephil The Pumpkin King i'll look more into Hermeticism i don't know much or anything about it

2019-08-01 16:31:08 UTC  

I am still fairly new to the subject myself

2019-08-01 16:31:42 UTC  

A lot of it is heavily Platonic in metaphysics

2019-08-01 16:32:39 UTC  

i wouldn't go to deep into hermeticism

2019-08-01 16:32:42 UTC  

i mean, i doubt i will believe anything about it but it might be a interesting subject to explore

2019-08-01 16:34:23 UTC  

I like some of philosophy but I have to go kind of easy on it. I'm more into history

2019-08-01 16:34:28 UTC  

i did on accident and wierd things happened

2019-08-01 16:35:11 UTC  

Yeah it happens

2019-08-01 16:35:45 UTC  

Basically what my understanding is that everything is governed by natural law

2019-08-01 16:36:08 UTC  

As in regardless of whether people believe or not we are still subject to these laws

2019-08-01 16:38:18 UTC  

the world we live in may be an illusion but it doesn't exempt us from its rules and laws and we still have to follow them

2019-08-01 16:38:45 UTC  

this is one of life's many paradoxes

2019-08-01 16:50:12 UTC


2019-08-01 16:51:32 UTC  

Ohh read about the god metaphysical debate

2019-08-01 16:51:53 UTC  

A good bit from aristotle's perspective

2019-08-01 16:52:32 UTC  

He was a rarely seen monotheist at the time. He believed that although a rational empirical argument for everything can be made

2019-08-01 16:52:52 UTC  

Its fundemental backbone can only be mythological

2019-08-01 16:52:59 UTC  

I.e dogma

2019-08-01 16:53:47 UTC  

For example he can technically be considered a theologian as he started his work with the pre-requisite of god's existance

2019-08-01 16:54:14 UTC  

He thought without them his laws of logic and posterior analytics would be meaningless

2019-08-01 16:54:29 UTC  

Tho seneca disagrees

2019-08-01 16:54:48 UTC  

I'll read more on that later~

2019-08-01 16:56:36 UTC  

Seneca the younger?