
Discord ID: 578744914238636083

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the witch has the magic of the court system

buy her she cant put u on child support

i would buy the sex doll lol

i haven't seen a half Asian doll but that book seems cool

books are mgtow development is important for men

chaos makes people show their true selves

i love chaos im smart enough to survive and adapt in it the people who are weak fade away and i get resources(non taxed)

i would let the fire burn them and pick up the scraps

in chaos make the right friends but never get to attached its jungle law people will act in the most savage way only to survive

martial law will also police the internet

martial law can only be sustained so long before riots happen, lack of resources, many other variables too

how long depends on the funding, situation(s), and environment

if alex jones sells it its legit

the boat was supposed to be a suicide bomb lol

the little tug boat came at full speed olly ack arrr "guys we failed out of gas"

is it a double standard if im afraid to order a sex doll from iraq ill blow up on twitch

double meaning

i hate cheaters in videogames get better dont cheat

true nate


mgtow is basically organized anarchy

alot of creators (leaders) and people can pick their own path(s)

Gillette puts something in the foam that makes men simp and turn soy

Gillete new slogan will be, "For the beta male in you. For the simp in you. Are you a real man? Gillete we worship women. You should too".

Gillete will sponsor you lol

Darius M is how i found Hermit

Hermit and Darius live together would be great

mgtow saves lives and sanity of men everyday

guys darius m is live now

Darius Mgtow is live and just be your self

no lol and the navy is full of simps lol

mgtow can be a lonely life style but maintain frame and do you

neko is in red pill depression stage

find your own circle neko

mgtow is a circle for men and a men space is a loyal space

im to the point i tell females or who ever dont like me to suck a dick

its jokes

its not personal to u

neko whats ur hobbies

do you create things neko like art, videos, video games

Neko hobbies and activities are the best ways to get over that stuff

xychotic i agee a man needs masculinity to survive

its funny because its true and the wife had better sex with them than you

lol u bet he stands up to fuck the girl in front

the muscles in her legs are going to him

he is absorbing the ability to walk

the just like a female "give them money" tail up, give them attention "tail out"

masculine energy is what he needed xychotic over dosed him lol welcome to redpill

i cut my own hair

he might have cut his number in your hair if he was gay lol

all i wear is combat boots, jeans, hoodie, or t shirt

the less fashion you wear the less low quality women look at you

I gotta buy more combat boots

John John aint wearing flashy stuff and she will do back flips on him lol

Blue and Red attact them right?

Older women play less games

Monk is a hard life style to keep having man parts makes it hard

How do you stay monk after a while if you work with women who look good you just wanna...

fwb is good and bad you get what you want but If you lack game with women it will trap you

frame will only get you so far


women are basically milk they spoil quickly

hope it has more content that doom for new consoles

there more glitchy than fallout 76 on stage

if they patch it more glitches will show up

battle royales are for kids mature gamers dont really like em but we tolerate them

we play games that require patients to win not great graphics or flashy quick game play

im making a game now a revolutionary turn based rpg

it will be called icon

never played it lol

if you take my money i will shake ur baby


na before he gets close to my area im shooting myself

im ok dominos is nasty

there is a god but we live in a matrix basicly and god is the creator of it

if most people act like npcs then think the matrix had npcs that had no purpose but the people who fight back are few(us)

i try not to perceive something abstract so i god is abstract compared to us

both are very similar but it depends what state you go to altho the south is hotter

north people are less chatty most times

i hate sjw words like "toxic" put those sjws in a black ops 2 online lobby lol

@Nephil The Pumpkin King basicly the matrix

The Red Pill church

finally a church with no pedophilia lol

i wouldn't go to deep into hermeticism

i did on accident and wierd things happened

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