Message from @Marlon B
Discord ID: 727265709075202119
Along with removing content that could give us some problems, and making sure that kind of content isnt posted and isnt allowed to exist on here, we have to make sure people causing problems or trying to escalate problems dont stay on here either. It sucks, but it has not been smooth sailing getting this discord up and running. There are a lot of people who hate to see a community like this as well. So as long as the rules are followed, and trouble isnt started, there wont be any problems and mods dont have to take action.
You get the odd lefty swarm infiltrate and try to cause trouble?
We all enjoy Zed's content, we're all in a similar mindset when it comes to politics, so let's make sure we're all on the same page to keep this community alive and well.
Seems like sometimes, sometimes its just trouble makers.
I do enjoy Zed's humour. He should be an Aussie 🙂
They're words. Sticks and stones is happening now. Block those.
The truth is out there
Welcome, <@!727263215813394593>.
Zed is awesome man, most of the reason why I like him so much is his incredibly calm demeanor, and his sense of humor. When I want more relaxed political content, I go to Zed. When I want something more energetic and spontaneous, I go to Crowder.
Welcome, @kallyhhana.
Welcome guys! Have a good time here, please check <#719770967542333442>, post your memes in the designated meme channels to be considered for Meme of the Week, and there is some information in <#707691030748594291> and in the pinned messages for this channel. Have fun
Zed is inoffensively offensive.
Damn....I was so close to saying the n word too. Damn boyscouts.
lets make sure we dont. thanks
Zed for prez
Can I say African American, mentally disabled, feeble minded, and homosexual though?
@Marlon B Yes
Welcome, <@!727265366539239542>.
Welcome, @debskidoo.
Yeah, you can say things like that, but nothing derogatory.
Welcome! Please make sure you check <#719770967542333442>, and have a good time!
Welcome, <@!518490184065482755>.
I have to be derogatory. I was only using some pejorative language against some extended blood relatives onces. I've yet to bust my cherry thoroughly upsetting a political group capable of forming a cabal at this time.
welcome new people
I'll refrain from the language of the labor party.
Welcome, @David George.
i'm telling you man its a conspiracy
Hello fellow ZedHeads!!!!!!!!! Glad to be here.
don't ever call me a zedhead again
@Violence is beauty {MACA} someone steal your sweetroll? <:Surprised_pikachu:726878373762301995>
oh my.
Good to know