Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 727597237085012061

2020-06-30 18:44:11 UTC  

Reject modernity embrace the nuclear family

2020-06-30 18:44:31 UTC  

Feminism is about blaming all their problems on men

2020-06-30 18:44:51 UTC  

Blaming your life problems on other people won’t get you very far in life

2020-06-30 18:45:03 UTC  

If you constantly look for reasons to be oppressed you will find them

2020-06-30 18:45:03 UTC  

Speaking on behalf of Islamic women is of no benefit to western women, so why would they? Plus it increases the risk you may hear some dude yell "Allahu akbar" at you if you get my meaning...

2020-06-30 18:45:19 UTC  


2020-06-30 18:46:04 UTC  

These western feminists should visit the Middle East and see what true oppression looks like

2020-06-30 18:46:59 UTC  

"brooo men get 50/50 control over children??? Oppression!!!!"

2020-06-30 18:47:05 UTC  

Yep. Men should do 12 months military service, women should do 12 months in Saudi Arabia.

2020-06-30 18:48:07 UTC  

Let them learn how to make a good sammich in obedient silence.

2020-06-30 18:48:44 UTC  

Also another thing Muslims hate homosexuals

2020-06-30 18:49:14 UTC  


2020-06-30 18:49:49 UTC  

There's not a lot of gaiety in Islam...

2020-06-30 18:50:09 UTC  

One thing about feminist that really pisses me off is abortion. Now I'm pro choice to an extent but pro life has nothing to do with men trying to control a womans body

2020-06-30 18:50:15 UTC  

Or trans people

2020-06-30 18:50:35 UTC  

The marxists claim to be anti religious but then they endorse Islam

2020-06-30 18:51:10 UTC  

Then there was the female comedian who tried doing comedy as a guy and everyone thought "he" was crap - which was the only funny thing that happened through her entire stand up routine.

2020-06-30 18:51:20 UTC  

Marxism is so cringe

2020-06-30 18:51:39 UTC  

It relies on idiots.

2020-06-30 18:51:41 UTC  

The modern left is cringe

2020-06-30 18:52:00 UTC  

> It relies on idiots.
@Deleted User So does being a tankie

2020-06-30 18:52:08 UTC  

@Speshel Pandaz a few have the only problem they didn't make it back alive to learn their lesson

2020-06-30 18:52:18 UTC  

Have you ever felt with these morons

2020-06-30 18:52:20 UTC  

Anyone who thinks the head of Youtube Susan Wickylicky wants equality for all is a moron.

2020-06-30 18:52:33 UTC  

Marxists be like "I'm poor and shit so let me just read theory instead of actually getting a job"

2020-06-30 18:52:41 UTC  

I've never met a commie who was mentally stable

2020-06-30 18:52:53 UTC  

Not sure I spelled her last name right but, meh...

2020-06-30 18:53:16 UTC  

We got the point

2020-06-30 18:53:29 UTC  

It's more like, "let me claim false virtue and steal your shit because I am jealous..."

2020-06-30 18:53:48 UTC  


2020-06-30 18:54:14 UTC  

@Deleted User they call that "wealth redistribution" I call it virtuous theft

2020-06-30 18:54:15 UTC  

It’s funny that people claim to be socialists until it affects them then they don’t like it lmao

2020-06-30 18:54:15 UTC  


2020-06-30 18:54:22 UTC  


2020-06-30 18:54:40 UTC  

I have a feeling no one manually reviews anything at YouTube and people just make bots to spam report people

2020-06-30 18:54:56 UTC  

Socialism is only good for the poor (hence why uni students love it).

2020-06-30 18:55:20 UTC  

But it isn't...venesuela much?

2020-06-30 18:55:38 UTC  

You generally start to dislike socialism when you see how much tax you pay from your first full week of work 🤣

2020-06-30 18:55:47 UTC  

Communism is appropriate for your close family
Socialism is appropriate for your arm-length family
Democratic socialism is appropriate for your extended family.
And capitalism is appropriate for everything outside of that sphere.