Message from @The-Free-Monk

Discord ID: 607887548446015526

2019-08-05 09:36:36 UTC  

I just love that slavic folk music with a modern spin that the Witcher 3 ost provides

2019-08-05 09:36:43 UTC  

Its fresh and unique

2019-08-05 09:57:02 UTC  

yeah definitely, its a great soundtrack. i think its unique that it fits so well within witcher and isnt as easily adapted to other things

2019-08-05 10:13:36 UTC  

@Happy Humble Hermit I like epic music, usually not that dark
But this atmosphere of this Ost is also really cool 👌

2019-08-05 10:28:04 UTC  

@Hannibal but the chemicals in the water <:alexjones:582521418361602059>

2019-08-05 10:29:36 UTC  

I love me some gay chemicals in the water~~~ in pakistan preferably.

2019-08-05 10:29:48 UTC  

Self solving problem there<:shrekhmm:594037532568846346>

2019-08-05 10:30:36 UTC  

sprinkle some Ebola in there and you have some premium water

2019-08-05 10:31:25 UTC  


2019-08-05 10:31:31 UTC  

They say crime doesn't pay.

2019-08-05 10:34:46 UTC  

@Hannibal how to get ride of incels <:incel:480186125756006400> 101 : sell bath water ; secret formula = chemicals <:alexjones:582521418361602059> + Ebola <:begonethot:513098286505394206>

2019-08-05 10:35:22 UTC  

if they survive the Ebola , they will at least be GAE so they they will no longer simp and be in our WAE <:shrekhmm:594037532568846346> EDIT : my lawyer has informed me that by laws of this land I have to say the situation of these actions will take place in mincraft ; or roadblocks OOF

2019-08-05 10:38:52 UTC  


2019-08-05 10:38:56 UTC  


2019-08-05 10:42:20 UTC  

@boredginger, there are some retards in discord staff who might think you're advocating for violence

2019-08-05 10:42:55 UTC  

i would say at least say minecraft for plausible deniability

2019-08-05 10:44:20 UTC  

@The-Free-Monk ah of course , how about I hire you to be my lawyer ? ; I pay handsomely : 100 good boy points a month ?

2019-08-05 10:46:18 UTC  

just be careful thats all

2019-08-05 10:46:30 UTC  

not everyone on this server is a good faith actor

2019-08-05 10:47:06 UTC  

i did something similar and got in trouble

2019-08-05 10:48:05 UTC  

i just dont want this server to get shut down

2019-08-05 10:48:25 UTC  

better be safe than sorry

2019-08-05 10:50:28 UTC  

is the edit good enough ? or is there more paperwork I need to fill out ?

2019-08-05 11:33:16 UTC  
2019-08-05 11:36:15 UTC  


2019-08-05 13:20:56 UTC  

Morning guys

2019-08-05 13:21:06 UTC  

What's that creepy shit

2019-08-05 13:30:03 UTC  


2019-08-05 13:47:02 UTC  

Morning you postmodernists

2019-08-05 13:52:01 UTC

2019-08-05 14:32:39 UTC  


2019-08-05 14:33:04 UTC  

They were arguing.

2019-08-05 14:33:45 UTC  

Socialists and libertarians

2019-08-05 14:33:47 UTC  

Both friends of mine

2019-08-05 14:33:51 UTC  

Ok. I don't get the joke. <:FacePalm:585704242124423198>

2019-08-05 14:33:52 UTC  

So i called them niggers. I wanted to say "goys" but that would show favouritism

2019-08-05 14:34:13 UTC  


2019-08-05 14:34:42 UTC  

Still not that funny

2019-08-05 14:56:54 UTC  

@Hannibal so you are a Jew? and are masquerading.

2019-08-05 14:57:19 UTC  

@ResolvingParadox13 I found that quite funny