Message from @hyliandragon

Discord ID: 768926549322891304

2020-10-22 19:56:03 UTC  

> If I was a dictator mod, I'd do something about the grammar mistakes. 😂
@Rocci if this is according to me.. english is my 3rd language so if the grammar sucks I'm sorry, I'll try my best 😅

2020-10-22 19:56:44 UTC  

ever since Trump was reported to have said Bullshit - it opened the gate for ChrisC on CNN to KEEEEP saying SHIT!

2020-10-22 19:56:47 UTC  

Your english is pretty good!

2020-10-22 19:56:53 UTC  

What's satanic is claiming to be a devout catholic and then letting babies be killed because the parents made poor choices

2020-10-22 19:57:16 UTC  

Your English is good

2020-10-22 19:57:27 UTC  

I have a meme.... Ish, it's text kinda gamy, kinda political, totally have to think on it. Where do I post it?

2020-10-22 19:57:43 UTC  

Joe biden says hes a catholic but yet he supports abortion for reasons other than medical necessity

2020-10-22 19:57:46 UTC  

Hey everyone, I just joined, happy to be here

2020-10-22 19:57:59 UTC  

<@712520642263646249> thank you

2020-10-22 19:58:09 UTC  


2020-10-22 19:58:09 UTC  

@Mex DM me the meme and I'll tell you where to put it.

2020-10-22 19:58:13 UTC  

> I have a meme.... Ish, it's text kinda gamy, kinda political, totally have to think on it. Where do I post it?
@Mex <#724105162741907467>? If you want to DM it to me if you're unsure feel free

2020-10-22 19:58:26 UTC  

Happy to have you here! We dont discriminate and welcome everyone and will not label you ! 🙂 lol Thats the LEFTs job! 🙂

2020-10-22 19:58:27 UTC  

> Joe biden says hes a catholic but yet he supports abortion for reasons other than medical necessity
@participation trophy this is biden his entire polici, say one thing and just do the opposite

2020-10-22 19:58:47 UTC  

I also went to his personal page and saw his stance on guns

2020-10-22 19:58:51 UTC  

No thanks

2020-10-22 19:58:56 UTC  

His stance on taxes

2020-10-22 19:58:59 UTC  

No thanks

2020-10-22 19:59:00 UTC  

I already sent in my ballot like a week ago

2020-10-22 19:59:18 UTC  

Guns, taxes, the green new deal, all a no go for me

2020-10-22 19:59:35 UTC  

Plus I'm not voting a pedophile into office

2020-10-22 19:59:36 UTC  

If u ask me, american politics is a perfect way to understand my own country's politics.. only more obvious over there

2020-10-22 20:00:06 UTC  

I also like trump am an asshole so I appreciate his asshole ways

2020-10-22 20:00:19 UTC  

> Joe is going to loose 😦
<@712520642263646249> I'll loose faith in humanity when biden wins

2020-10-22 20:00:21 UTC  

American politics have boiled into a 'either you're left or right there is no center'

2020-10-22 20:00:33 UTC  

I think USA will be in BIG trouble after the results are in - I think the DEMS will cheat SO much they will add more fake votes than the actual population of america lol

2020-10-22 20:00:44 UTC  

I like someone who'll make deals and compromises

2020-10-22 20:01:00 UTC  

> American politics have boiled into a 'either you're left or right there is no center'
@hyliandragon same over here, identity politics.. hate that shit

2020-10-22 20:01:41 UTC  

Supposedly there was a trump car line that was 75k cars in florida

2020-10-22 20:01:49 UTC  

I really want to slap someone if they bring up identity in a convo before Nov 3rd

2020-10-22 20:02:03 UTC  

Biden wins with 4 Billion votes - Dems say they did NOT cheat lol

2020-10-22 20:02:13 UTC  

Oh we had like ~3 miles of Trump supporters last week in AZ

2020-10-22 20:02:25 UTC  

Anyways, nice talking to you guys.. it's bedtime over here can't wait till I can see the debate tomorrow morning

2020-10-22 20:02:29 UTC  

California will definitely have fraud. And they have already found Trump ballots on the side of the road and in wastepaper baskets. Not to mention at the FBI conference last night they said they did find foreign interference (From Iran), designed to harm Trump.

2020-10-22 20:02:33 UTC  

75 thousand car rally seems like more than enough to take Florifa.

2020-10-22 20:02:35 UTC  

Biden wins with half the population of the globe

2020-10-22 20:02:46 UTC  

identity politics has led to attacks on personal character as a primary method of political "debate", and it's incredibly difficult to make compromises with somebody who thinks you and everything you stand for is evil. That doesn't leave much room for a center.

2020-10-22 20:02:55 UTC  

Gonna put a bet on Trump getting muted all the time

2020-10-22 20:03:10 UTC  

Oh he will

2020-10-22 20:03:19 UTC  

The second hunter Biden comes up

2020-10-22 20:03:44 UTC  

> The second hunter Biden comes up
@participation trophy and he will come up 😜