Discord ID: 769333453686177853

2020-10-23 22:53:55 UTC  

Joe biden hasnt done anything in the past 47 years

2020-10-23 22:53:55 UTC  

What racist about that et vid?

2020-10-23 22:54:11 UTC  

Like what bruh?

2020-10-23 22:54:17 UTC  

So far all the things in the video are false

2020-10-23 22:54:27 UTC  

Lol because its fake news

2020-10-23 22:55:00 UTC  

So Republicans red?

2020-10-23 22:55:13 UTC  


2020-10-23 22:55:29 UTC  

Ok i didn't know

2020-10-23 22:55:29 UTC  

"Why are we having all these people from shirhole countries come here"
I agree ; India, mexico, and the middle east are shitholes
Notice he didnt say "these shity people"

2020-10-23 22:55:41 UTC  


2020-10-23 22:55:46 UTC  

am middle easternk

2020-10-23 22:55:52 UTC  


2020-10-23 22:55:59 UTC  

and called me a shithole

2020-10-23 22:56:03 UTC  

Your contries throw gays off buildings

2020-10-23 22:56:05 UTC  


2020-10-23 22:56:05 UTC  

Cool, and?

2020-10-23 22:56:10 UTC  

And stone women

2020-10-23 22:56:21 UTC  

Shithole is a place

2020-10-23 22:56:21 UTC  

Decapitate people they dont agree witg

2020-10-23 22:56:26 UTC  

Should i go on?

2020-10-23 22:56:28 UTC  

Guess what if you want socialism go ahead it isnt happening

2020-10-23 22:56:29 UTC  


2020-10-23 22:56:30 UTC  

I doubt that the donald is a racist.

2020-10-23 22:56:40 UTC  

Im still watching your video btw

2020-10-23 22:56:42 UTC  

incompetent yes, but not a racist

2020-10-23 22:56:46 UTC  

oh ew

2020-10-23 22:56:47 UTC  


2020-10-23 22:56:49 UTC  

tik tok?

2020-10-23 22:56:50 UTC  


2020-10-23 22:56:55 UTC  


2020-10-23 22:57:03 UTC  

I’m really worried about this election

2020-10-23 22:57:05 UTC  


2020-10-23 22:57:07 UTC  

Communist china runs that site

2020-10-23 22:57:07 UTC  

Tik tok is cancer

2020-10-23 22:57:13 UTC  

They literally have pictures of Trump hanging out with black leaders like Jesse Jackson at NAACP fundraisers where he donated.

2020-10-23 22:57:21 UTC  

I think Biden’s gonna win

2020-10-23 22:57:22 UTC  

Are we being trolled?

2020-10-23 22:57:25 UTC  

Would hope whe get someone who's actually against immigration

2020-10-23 22:57:27 UTC  

And we are all screwed

2020-10-23 22:57:28 UTC  

If he's racist, he's really bad at it.