Message from @Pennywise

Discord ID: 769923440169189436

2020-10-25 13:56:34 UTC  

It wasn't REAL Communism

2020-10-25 13:57:11 UTC  

I'm so sorry Snowball..

2020-10-25 13:57:12 UTC  

> It wasn't REAL Communism
@Pennywise they reply with _"But Sweden and all those Nordic countries"_ <:ScreamingLiberal2:760246375815839785>

2020-10-25 13:57:45 UTC  

Sweden is not Communist, when it concerns trade they are very much a capitalist country

2020-10-25 13:57:53 UTC  

> I'm so sorry Snowball..
@Pennywise its alright man. I use that story as testimony to the horrors of communism.

2020-10-25 13:58:09 UTC  

And your story should be told to every person

2020-10-25 13:58:29 UTC  

I could've been a millionaire if that plantation was still there.

2020-10-25 13:58:32 UTC  

> Sweden is not Communist, when it concerns trade they are very much a capitalist country
@Pennywise _"That's racist and 100% wrong, Socialism works there, look at how immigration has improved the country, is so much better now"_ <:ScreamingLiberal2:760246375815839785>

2020-10-25 13:58:41 UTC  


2020-10-25 13:58:48 UTC  

I've heard so much of their crap

2020-10-25 13:59:10 UTC  

My Family on my Dads side lost everything, they had farm land lost it all to Broz Tito

2020-10-25 13:59:19 UTC  

that sucks

2020-10-25 13:59:26 UTC  

My Baba (Grandmother ) lost 7x Brothers

2020-10-25 13:59:39 UTC  

woh <:Surprised_pikachu:726878373762301995>

2020-10-25 13:59:42 UTC  

far out

2020-10-25 13:59:51 UTC  

Communism kills everything it touches

2020-10-25 14:00:03 UTC  

All taken away to what they called re-education camps

2020-10-25 14:00:22 UTC  

Never to be seen again

2020-10-25 14:00:44 UTC  

My Dad told me stories of Brothers dobbing in Brothers to party officials

2020-10-25 14:00:46 UTC  

> Communism kills everything it touches
@Snowball 🎁 _"I refuse to acknowledge your nazi propaganda"_ <:ScreamingLiberal2:760246375815839785>

2020-10-25 14:00:52 UTC  


2020-10-25 14:01:17 UTC  

"But the last guy was a US backed dictator named Batista" smh same excuse every time

2020-10-25 14:01:50 UTC  

Communism strips a person of what makes them human it strips free will and character then replaces it with the state. Why any free person would want this..

2020-10-25 14:02:08 UTC  

because everyone is 100% the same in their eyes

2020-10-25 14:02:17 UTC  

"for the betterment of humankind of course" <:NPC:720120095581405256>

2020-10-25 14:02:17 UTC  

even gender isn't a thing

2020-10-25 14:02:17 UTC  

We are cattle

2020-10-25 14:02:33 UTC  

The guy who came before Castro back when cuba was quasi capitalist, was majorly influenced and corrupted by the mafia. They're the unspoken killers of democracy in Cuba.

2020-10-25 14:02:39 UTC  

The thing is, the guy who invented gender identity is literally a sex offender

2020-10-25 14:03:15 UTC  

Gender issues were devised to destroy the family nucleus

2020-10-25 14:03:21 UTC  

The electric chair for that guy please 😂

2020-10-25 14:03:24 UTC  

Like I have a book about it and he experimented on children. Dark and definitely uncomfortable, but worth noting

2020-10-25 14:03:26 UTC  

Remove the father from the home

2020-10-25 14:03:35 UTC  

I read that they want to try legitimize paedophilia as a sexual preference and that pisses me off

2020-10-25 14:03:35 UTC  

i have a copy of the typhoon investigations intelligence report on joe bidens connection to china

2020-10-25 14:03:36 UTC  

The two children later ended up committing suicide

2020-10-25 14:03:48 UTC  

And yet we want his teachings to be in kindergarten

2020-10-25 14:03:49 UTC  

Gimme gimme

2020-10-25 14:03:54 UTC  

i feel like this needs to be shared all over

2020-10-25 14:03:58 UTC  

> I read that they want to try legitimize paedophilia as a sexual preference and that pisses me off
@Dante the day they do that, I'm commiting murder.

2020-10-25 14:04:08 UTC  

how do we get this to tyler?