Message from @sathy1sant0

Discord ID: 770647691154948096

2020-10-27 13:54:42 UTC  

@Knotty land. Also we consume more oxygen and we use emit more carbon dioxide

2020-10-27 13:54:45 UTC  

they absorb 80% of the carbon emissions while trees only account for 10% of carbon absorption GLOBALLY

2020-10-27 13:54:52 UTC  

And carbon.monoxide

2020-10-27 13:55:11 UTC  

@sathy1sant0 he agreed withe experts, trump knew the dangers

2020-10-27 13:55:30 UTC  

Plankton is food for manh oragnism and fishes they will be eaten

2020-10-27 13:55:44 UTC  

I don't see no Pacman eating trees on land

2020-10-27 13:55:50 UTC  

there is also an enzyme in wax moth larvae that can revert plastic to fda aproved soil

2020-10-27 13:56:14 UTC  

I’m having a hard time figuring out what’s going on

2020-10-27 13:56:20 UTC  

> Plankton is food for manh oragnism and fishes they will be eaten
@sathy1sant0 oh no but they still account for 80% of all carbon absorption. If only your American schools actually taught you something.

2020-10-27 13:56:32 UTC  

Am not from america

2020-10-27 13:56:41 UTC  

then where ever you are from failed hard

2020-10-27 13:57:38 UTC  

must be from Europe because in Japan they actually taught us that protecting the oceans was the biggest thing that you can do to help with the enviornment.

2020-10-27 13:57:45 UTC

2020-10-27 13:57:58 UTC  

U see settling carbon to sea is not ideal

2020-10-27 13:58:01 UTC  

To be fair, Japan is an island nation. Of course they're going to be more focused on the oceans than America.

2020-10-27 13:58:16 UTC  

Carbon had to be removed completely

2020-10-27 13:58:32 UTC  

*cough* India *cough*

2020-10-27 13:58:35 UTC  

@Knotty bro u gotta read things clearly

2020-10-27 13:58:43 UTC  

okay sathy do you live in a rural or urban area?

2020-10-27 13:58:45 UTC  

@froski yep

2020-10-27 13:58:47 UTC  


2020-10-27 13:58:50 UTC  


2020-10-27 13:58:51 UTC  

and what country do you live in?

2020-10-27 14:00:16 UTC  

USA!!! (an eagle caws in the distance command every America to uphold the ideals of equality and democracy)

2020-10-27 14:01:05 UTC  

@sathy1sant0 I don't think you read what @Knotty's question was. His question was what species consumes the most carbon. Based on what you said, plankton consumes carbon on the same scale, but then when the plankton dies it reverts to the sea level.

2020-10-27 14:01:07 UTC  

okay I live in a rural area, and I am an avid hunter. I can tell you that in the USA the states that allow the loggers to come in and clear the dead trees and brush don't experience wild fires like california does every fucking year. I can also tell you that I do more to clean and protect this environment than possibly anyone else in this discord. In fact I would wager that I do more than the rest of the discord combine.

Via either donations, or just by picking up trash on the roadside every day on my morning jog, by hunting and buying up large sums of land

2020-10-27 14:02:37 UTC  

I own over 400 square miles of land in Montana, Wyoming, and North Dakota. Those 400 sq miles are dedicated to wet land protection and to protecting the wild life. I an currently trying to Amass a large enough area to make a private national park that will be for WILD bison.

2020-10-27 14:02:50 UTC  

you relize claifonia has also expierence the record absence of humidity for the past ten years rright

2020-10-27 14:03:08 UTC  

Yeah, but they also don't do any forest management or preventative maintenance of any kind.

2020-10-27 14:03:44 UTC  

@chaz you realize that California still doesn't allow anyone to come in and clear the brush and dead foliage at all right?

2020-10-27 14:04:06 UTC  

Not to mention they're giving a ton of money to illegal immigrants instead of, oh I don't know, buying more fire fighting equipment, or actually taking care of the environment past the whole "carbon neutral" BS

2020-10-27 14:04:16 UTC  

no, no i did not, but i dont think that is the sole reason for the fires

2020-10-27 14:04:37 UTC  

Not the sole reason, but it's a gigantic one.

2020-10-27 14:05:14 UTC  

> no, no i did not, but i dont think that is the sole reason for the fires
@chaz but it is the single largest contributor. in Ireland they have the same issue that California does with dry land areas and forest TREES that are far easier to start on fire, BUT they don't experience fucking wild fires that burn millions of acres every year.

2020-10-27 14:05:41 UTC  

Trees are good they store carbon and give us oxygen. We should preserve them and not burn them, releasing their stored carbon into the air

2020-10-27 14:05:44 UTC  

because they actually do something towards forest management, and drag the dead stuff out every fucking year.

2020-10-27 14:05:51 UTC  

Asian countries don't have massive fires like California, and bamboo burns like crazy. They actually manage the forests though.

2020-10-27 14:06:10 UTC  

If you wanna see what failed management in an area like that looks like look at the recent fire that destroyed half of Australia. It was due to arson, but it was mostly because they'd slacked off the off-season burnings for a couple of years so the brush built up.

2020-10-27 14:06:18 UTC  

@yeti_steamroller how many trees must any logging company in the USA plant for every 1 tree they cut down for any purpose?

2020-10-27 14:06:21 UTC  

Lack of controlled burns have also made ticks super annoying

2020-10-27 14:06:30 UTC  

I had heard of the legends of never trump Republicans but I thought they were fake