Message from @DrewDaPilot
Discord ID: 770826110702321685
whats up gamers
> Doesn't really matter to me, tbh. I quit giving a shit a long time ago
@ThatShadyVandal same
Been burned way too many times to put any effort into it
> Ugh I gotta go to the stupid ass dentist tomorrow
@ninni._.burninni i have an eye appointment Saturday and i need a dentist appointment bc my teef hurt when i eat sugar... well they did hurt but now only sometimes
OMG I'm watching the Trump ralley in Nebraska and it's awesome! " For the low low price of 100 Trillion dollars, you can have no windows in your buildings " - POTUS That really does sum up the Green New Deal.
i think a big part of the problem is women searching for guys that the social media makes them think they want
I tried to party hard during a quiet gathering with rich people. They were a bunch of squares lol. Nice ppl though
what should I say to my republican friend whos voting for biden
the reflection of the skyscraper windows is destroying the ozone
@DrewDaPilot Tell your Democrat friend to stop registering as a Republican.
@DrewDaPilot If they are voting for Biden they arent republican
It's just a big inconvenience
But I like my dentist
@DrewDaPilot nothing, just let him, but always speak honestly about subjects and he will turn around
they arent black either
He is funny
I do
but he believes in the russia collusion
and thinks both candidates are horrible but thinks that all the "horrible" things trump says about our vets is worse then biden
I tried to change his mind
@DrewDaPilot You can't fix stupid. Stupid is forevah.
Vote Biden in for 4 more years of laughs
you could kidnap him and pretend to be him when voting in person
or change his mail in ballot
@DrewDaPilot. Zeducate him with the red pill and watch ppl like ben Shapiro
vote harris/biden because shes a black woman
vote trump for 4 more years of laughs
liberal meltdowns
what the heck was that
napoleon dynamite and pizza hut
i was watching that whered it go
To hell
i think it was sent to #weebs
> i think it was sent to #weebs
@DirtyBird that place dont exist no more