Message from @moyed
Discord ID: 773180904885583913
@lilgbengs or the states trump needs 🤥
they start counting at 8pm on the east coast
Vote me for president and I will make the 2016 Trump victory a holiday lmao
memes dont go in general
memes go everywhere
stop typing
> Wait so I’m kinda new to politics since there won’t be a confirmed winner today are they gonna show who’s leading
@Black Squadron Yes, and if there is no winner, you can guarantee something shady is going on behind the scenes.
what was that vid😆
not here
now stop
stop bro
If Cadence Owens runs, imagine a lot of virtue signaling black folks who care more about their pride of their race she will attract
i beg u
today election day
pls send that vid again to me
trump trump trump!!!!!!!1!11!!!!11!1!
No lol
send it to the i'ish chad
or woman and republican
they'll be like
RACE tRAitor
Or GendER TraItoR
imagine not voting straight republican down the ballot
imagine voting
I voted for anyone not associated with the democratic party.
the mod is a brit
@Illuminattor inb4 trump looses Florida by 1 guy
The vote is pretty much
I love America vs I hate America
@GOF6666 cheese is gonna beat both trump and biden
Melania forgot to vote 👀
I just voted for cheese
i believe the democrats have totally screwed up scaring the shit out of their voters and then lying about the polls...if you are totally scared of covid and think you are smashing it you would think..."fk voting"
yep @moyed thats how it goes even though it was the dems that voted for slavery and against women's rights
biden probably voted for trump
you either vote for trump or vote for communism