Message from @oitsuki
Discord ID: 773343985128570900
Huzzah, Trump won my state just now
👏 👏 👏
They are keeping the polls open in NC because Biden is losing. They kept a poll open because the coffee machine broke.
May I send a photo of the current votes? Or are we all sick and tired of photos
Country home take me home
trump won wv
yes everything htat is happening right now is miniscule
secured wv
Not much of a surprise seeing as WV is populated by Trump flags at nearly every house
In addition to anti-commie Latino and Rednecks in Florida is the Tourism industry that Biden would destroy
13 -3 bois
I waited 4 years for this,you bet your ass I’m going to be hyped asf
> 👏 👏 👏
@its_Jimmy the last 30 min yes... but it has its purpose
> I’m watching this
@KermitTheFrog New York Times.... 😐
Tyler zed where is thr live stream
EaRlY tO cAll
ok florida is slowly making sense
West palm beach 😥
Zed is not livestreaming
I refuse to click on NYT I block them at every opp
Zed daddy start streaming
Ah, so sorry! I didn’t realize that, so sorry!
CBS News hasn't called anything.
He caaaant,YouTube will strike them
Opinion articles should be banned
How the fuck did Biden win Virginia
when trump gets elected
Even though you say it’s an opinion people subconsciously trust an authority
My exact thought
So my conclusion is that what we are watching is useless because the electoral college doesn’t submit their results tonight. Great
Virginia is still going on