Message from @Stop
Discord ID: 773357471435718697
@ReneAensland 89%
TRUMP 2032
> Guys if Trump wins Florida we all have to do this emoji-> 🎉
@Slick Vic and this one if you want -> 🎊
Hold up I gotta find the screenshot of a red ground but it says Biden won
let's have trump win cali
Trump is up now by 200k votes in Florida. Chill.
we're losing texas?
@hyliandragon i saw that too
Trump won't win cali
86% but most the rest are in Republican strongholds
> @Slick Vic and this one if you want -> 🎊
@Slick Vic ok
Biden winning Texas
> let's have trump win cali
@Lukario if trump wins cali, that would be amazing
Texas is at 38%. Chill.
fuck the polls they were so wrogn
Like, dafuq?
Wv is not red???
.warn @hyliandragon mightve missed it but no imagess right now
i am worried about NC and ohio but not texas
gg ez
wv is red
It was the screenshot of the red territory but it calls Biden winner
.warn @Deleted User no images
Ooh biden is winning three to 6
all of the texas votes counted so far are mail in
Trump is gaining more momentum in Florida.
Yeah I missed the rule for the chat rn
Blue Ridge Mountains, shanadoa river
Nate silver is the stupidest person alive
over 200k lead in florida
> Ooh biden is winning three to 6
@Scarface6305 far to early to say that
he got it all wrong
guys trump is winning 35 to 5 in maine
Man this is a close race