Message from @Lady Perpetual Exemption

Discord ID: 773392078025392158

2020-11-04 03:42:01 UTC  

@FastMonkey88 , wait how does that work?

2020-11-04 03:42:06 UTC  

@r𝓪d𝓲o𝓪c𝓽i𝓿e She said the US is causing the socialism in Latin countries wtf

2020-11-04 03:42:10 UTC  

> the thing is, the mail in voting counts should not take a week
@Dstar_Destroyer Yeah it's 9 days

2020-11-04 03:42:10 UTC  

I don’t think Cali is gonna go red but it’s likely that they might go neutral if something like that

2020-11-04 03:42:14 UTC  

> the thing is, the mail in voting counts should not take a week
@Dstar_Destroyer if they do then its voter fraud

2020-11-04 03:42:27 UTC  

when will cali show up?

2020-11-04 03:42:29 UTC  

> @FastMonkey88 , wait how does that work?
@BIRdOS I have no idea

2020-11-04 03:42:29 UTC  

I know Sara, they are really about to cheat

2020-11-04 03:42:30 UTC  

Trump will win tonight, but lose in a landslide later this week

2020-11-04 03:42:33 UTC  

we all see it coming'

2020-11-04 03:42:55 UTC  

That explains the dumped ballots

2020-11-04 03:42:57 UTC  

All my classes got cancelled tomorrow for in case Trump wins the teachers can go cry and pet puppies and eat ice cream

2020-11-04 03:43:06 UTC  

do you think there will be voter fraud uncovered after the election

2020-11-04 03:43:14 UTC  

Haha would love that to happen

2020-11-04 03:43:15 UTC  

I still have classes tomorrow and practice

2020-11-04 03:43:25 UTC  

> do you think there will be voter fraud uncovered after the election
@FerretFondue Duh

2020-11-04 03:43:26 UTC  

> All my classes got cancelled tomorrow for in case Trump wins the teachers can go cry and pet puppies and eat ice cream
@black cyborg Jubei Hey I'd like to pet puppies and eat ice cream win or lose

2020-11-04 03:43:50 UTC  

Is it okay To go to bed?

2020-11-04 03:43:52 UTC  

Florida and Texas might as well be called, over 3% lead in both

2020-11-04 03:43:56 UTC  

If its a biden victory @SeraphBlade they might just ignore it

2020-11-04 03:44:00 UTC  

No, voter mass voter fraud in a presidential election doesn't exist and hasn't since the civil war

2020-11-04 03:44:00 UTC  

AOC said voter suppression happens everywhere

2020-11-04 03:44:01 UTC  

I gotta go, guys, I'm so sorry, I'm moving house right now, I early voted, I did all the things, I gotta go be an adult now, bye

2020-11-04 03:44:02 UTC  


2020-11-04 03:44:03 UTC  

It's gonna come down to the supreme court

2020-11-04 03:44:17 UTC  

Now I want some ice cream now

2020-11-04 03:44:19 UTC  


2020-11-04 03:44:19 UTC  

trump is going to win lol

2020-11-04 03:44:20 UTC  

Dems won the house of representatives

2020-11-04 03:44:24 UTC  

This is killing me, they wont call Florida yet

2020-11-04 03:44:28 UTC  

Cenk is such a cuck.

2020-11-04 03:44:41 UTC  

ABC has also projected the house for Democrats

2020-11-04 03:44:41 UTC  

I wonder how youtube is taking this election... probably not very good

2020-11-04 03:44:47 UTC  


2020-11-04 03:44:48 UTC  

Wow I just lost a friend Bc of my political views and then my other friend tells me hes a trump supporter coincidence?

2020-11-04 03:44:48 UTC  

Imagine if we have to deal with this for the next week

2020-11-04 03:44:57 UTC  


2020-11-04 03:44:57 UTC  

theirs so many states they called blue that are being lead by trump

2020-11-04 03:44:58 UTC  

Guys prepare for the dems to cry and be sad it's gonna be delicious internet content to see

2020-11-04 03:45:00 UTC  

> This is killing me, they wont call Florida yet
@карина media doesnt want to call it

2020-11-04 03:45:03 UTC  

So.... sup with the election