Message from @|||||Lexi|||||

Discord ID: 773499474218713129

2020-11-04 10:48:41 UTC  

So did yall win texas. Last I seen it was undecided.

2020-11-04 10:48:49 UTC  


2020-11-04 10:48:55 UTC  


2020-11-04 10:48:58 UTC  

A sharp yeehaw for texas

2020-11-04 10:49:00 UTC  

Go texas, whoop whoop

2020-11-04 10:49:07 UTC  

If biden wins I'm gonna argue that plagarism must be allowed them since he does it

2020-11-04 10:49:17 UTC  

i mean listen, if we are saying that biden wins WI because at 95% he has a 0.2 lead, then why cant we say he won GA with a 2 pt lead at 94%

2020-11-04 10:49:18 UTC  

You know how Texans are, they got their pride by their hearts ❤️

2020-11-04 10:49:21 UTC  

Welp. 4 years of biden ig.

2020-11-04 10:49:31 UTC  

PA is out of the picture. What matters is MI NC GA

2020-11-04 10:49:37 UTC  

@|||||Lexi||||| always the proud state

2020-11-04 10:50:01 UTC  

Just like FL

2020-11-04 10:50:07 UTC  

> PA is out of the picture. What matters is MI NC GA
@black cyborg Jubei aw is pa out of the picture

2020-11-04 10:50:17 UTC  

Joe Biden is leading by 2 million and something popular votes

2020-11-04 10:50:17 UTC  

Civil War?

2020-11-04 10:50:29 UTC  

No PA is still too early to call

2020-11-04 10:50:32 UTC  

If trump wins every state that is leaning towards trump he wins

2020-11-04 10:50:36 UTC  

who cares about popular vote

2020-11-04 10:50:40 UTC  

PA is trump no contest. But Trump needs to hang onto MI GA NC or it’s over

2020-11-04 10:50:45 UTC  

They said the results are likely to come out tonight

2020-11-04 10:50:57 UTC  

And NC and GA it’s less than 100k lead

2020-11-04 10:50:58 UTC  

Trump is right, he is winning PA for now

2020-11-04 10:51:00 UTC  

I think Trumps gonna lose smh

2020-11-04 10:51:04 UTC  


2020-11-04 10:51:07 UTC  

We’re closing in on Wisconsin only 0.1% gap

2020-11-04 10:51:13 UTC  

Pa isn't sure for Trump look at Wisconsin, and the sudden shift

2020-11-04 10:51:34 UTC  

Wisconsin we are down 8k votes

2020-11-04 10:51:34 UTC  

Michigan Is ahead for trump by a hell lot

2020-11-04 10:51:41 UTC  

WI is becoming blue

2020-11-04 10:51:41 UTC  

You know being from the UK, your voting is crazy. Yall turn into animals. And I mean that as a compliment. GO TRUMP

2020-11-04 10:51:42 UTC  

Nevada is likely blue tbh

2020-11-04 10:51:44 UTC  

I told U it’s Reno and Las Vegas

2020-11-04 10:52:03 UTC  

Reno's district looks like Doug Dimmadome's hat

2020-11-04 10:52:03 UTC  

The only states that matter now are GA NC MI

2020-11-04 10:52:03 UTC  

Nevada too only 0.6% gap

2020-11-04 10:52:07 UTC  

It's always the big cities

2020-11-04 10:52:33 UTC  

In a dems vs everyone with even a fraction of a working brain Civil War who would win?

2020-11-04 10:52:57 UTC  

> You know being from the UK, your voting is crazy. Yall turn into animals. And I mean that as a compliment. GO TRUMP
@TattieAim101 Especially when drinks and guns are involved 🍻

2020-11-04 10:52:57 UTC  

its pissing me off that there is no stream i can watch that gives some good commentary on this. crowder, wake up!

2020-11-04 10:53:09 UTC  

If I have to yell at one more idiot Dem moaning about "their democratic country", and point out it's a Congressional Republic, I might fly over there just to punch someone 😂