Message from @Rayman_noodle
Discord ID: 773530920329674752
It was .3 earlier this isnt looking very good
He's more pro-trump than you are @luminoussun
They pause counting because they want to know how many ballots to fraud
Good enough
michigan may be the new florida
ben wanted trump to lose and when trump said he will fight ben put out a tweet bitching about him
I stg if Michigan flips blue
All cuz Ilhan Omar, like as if she's a saint
Ima come back when the men in this chat wake up,right now is too much soy
@luminoussun you suck at trolling and should feel bad for sucking
Michigan is at 90% reported tho so we might be able to hold it off
Does anyone know when we'll have an update on how Trump is doing with the SCOTUS?
go check
the left dont even know what theyre fighting for. They're just dumbasses screaming "racists!" they cannot hold up a logical conversation for longer than 1 second.
Trump will win if not there is no need to panic He wont be President until January 20 but he will be president elect
what the hell has CNN done to people
see if i am lying
I wish we could kick out every antifa and BLM rioter
Until you realize trump was winning by like 200,000 in MI when it was at 87%
> Until you realize trump was winning by like 200,000 in MI when it was at 87%
@black cyborg Jubei oh
And fire every corrupt Dem politician
@Sai They're all corrupt
Every corrupt politician not only dems
how do so many trump voters get TDS
Get rid of the dems and create a new less radical party.
how do we lose when we won by 30 last time
cant wait till the day till these corrupt zombies are wiped off the face of the earth
HE had WI last night, guess not now
There are some stupid Republicans even Trump admitted it
Or bring classical liberalism back
Fuck the democrats. We were doing great in so many states, than mysteriously all these “blue” ballots appear? Coincidence? I think not!
Replace dems with libertarian
blm now will become the police and antifa and you good people will become the people being locked up for loving god and guns.
@|||||Lexi||||| I would love Republican vs Libertarian elections
> Fuck the democrats. We were doing great in so many states, than mysteriously all these “blue” ballots appear? Coincidence? I think not!
They "found" 100k ballots in Georgia for some reason
> Nuff said.... Like... not even one dude?!! 🧐
@6H0$T 👻😈 That's extremely weird...
I guess we'll see what the future holds for our beloved country