Discord ID: 495805028204806145
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Jackson was a sketchy guy
Donald Trump will always have the nicest Hollywood start, because as long as dems destroy it, it gets replaced with a brand new one
If they call you a bot drop this, the Dems hate it
Rare image of the sun doing blackface infront of Africa for the ring of fire eclipse!!
We should cancel the sun
That's good, gotta respect people who take the time to listen to their fans
Buy some calico rifles and pistols for maximum rounds, nobody will loot your stuff, the clips go on top, and most can hold up to 100 rounds each.
Some do have sights, but it's kinda hard with where the clip is 😂 great hip fire though
You can always stay awake for 3 days without sleep when you feel alone, because on the third day you won't be alone anymore
The 1900s Trump commercials snow how manipulative the media is against those they hate
These are the 2 types of people at class reunion, and the one on the right phases out and reconsiders their life
Trump did a good number of ad cameos, even for dominos, and pizza hut
And in the wwe hall of fame
There are more clips too after this one with the actual proxy fight
You know, with the market crash we had in March, I'm sure lots of people make lots of money from dumping money into the market when it was down, now it basically recovered
ANTIFA is just the emo version of the KKK
1 and a half hours seems kinda long, can't the animals just eat each other?
What's a wellie
🤦♂️ I don't know why I didn't know that
Where I live everybody has red boots, nobody has wellies
Redboots are more comfortable, and you can roll them down
Probs not
It might just be a remodel, and a whole new plane with a similar shape, because technology gets outdated
And I heard they don't turn good profits, unlike the 737
Who is Alaska Jesus
Tap to see the meme -
That's not good, when it's this close to the election there will be lots of controversy
If Trump loses wisconsin, blame the third party voters
Yes, yes we are. But we keep the Senate I think, so no communism yet thank God
No, but we did gain house seats I think
No, the third party voters gave wisconsin to biden
There are well over 30k third party voters in wisconsin
They were tied
Alaska is only 3 votes
Biden says he is for the little guy, but only big cities vote for him
It seems antifa hates biden as much as Trump
Once Trump is gone 😢 the media will miss him, he is their headlines, they are nothing without him
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Trump should just run again after Biden
Alaska has been more blue than ever 2016, don't be too optimistic
Ben shapiro is also anti liberal though, right
Good enough
Replace dems with libertarian
Make sure to look at voting numbers, and compare it to the adult cencus numbers
As an Alaskan, I can confirm
And no, nobody came here for a rally
Remember remember the fifth of November
But we keep the Senate right? And those 2 independent are more conservative right?
Can Biden still court pack
I will at least give Biden a chance, but NEVER. Commiela harris
He might
Or cause conflict
Biden seemed to be against peace with countries like Russia and NK, he will probably give iran a ton of money and weapons to apologize for solemani
Now Trump has that record for sure though
It is 2020, anything can happen
The butterfly effect is in full swing
Then he'll be 78, as old as crazy biden is now
Could be better
What job are y'all gonna have in the gulag? I'll be a ditch digger
When the market goes down from the lockdowns I'm gonna invest a good amount of cash
I got 6k in my Roth ira I just opened ready to go at moments notice
Take advantage of lockdowns
The media and especially SNL will miss Trump, I guarantee it
They can't make fun of biden, because lefties won't like it
They will see how good Trump was after he leaves office
They will miss him, we all will
What about hunters laptop
Do you want pirated spiderman 2? xD
It was a whole movie on iFunny xD it's legit
It sucks that soon I'll be making as much as a sophomore burger flipper while doing more work then them, instantly doubling minimum wage will destroy the economy
If college becomes free, what stops them from tripling room and board/book prices?
And nothing in the constitution protects ammunition, only the weapon
Joe can legally ban the sales of bullets and keep guns on the market to be useless but still constitutionally there
Wait for his state of the union address
I think trumpers, and sane bideneers should team up against antifa
Commiela is worse
But communism is impossible when we have the Senate to stop it, right?
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