Message from @The Guy Behind You

Discord ID: 773595800911347712

2020-11-04 17:12:32 UTC  

Steven Crowder is a Russian spy working with Biden deceiving all

2020-11-04 17:12:32 UTC  

I’m already living in califorina,

2020-11-04 17:12:33 UTC  

lexi you have been up all night?? have you slept?

2020-11-04 17:12:33 UTC  

> @Deathdevil BLM is not black supremacy , it's a communist shit movement that deserves to be nuked
Why cant it be both? Because it is. Lol

2020-11-04 17:12:40 UTC  

> @JoeMama its all good, all this crying wolf will come back to bite black americans in the ass if biden wins, kamala witheld evidence that would have free'd an african american from death row, wtf do we think she will do if she becomes VP?
@Junaluska999 i usually don't like generalising black ppl it's just plain ignorant but you're right most of ppl from the hoods will prolly vote for Joe because he's manipulating them but ur right anyone who voted for biden will get karma'd

2020-11-04 17:12:43 UTC  

> @Geographer but how did all 100% of those go biden? not even 1 for trump. also why does your name start with an "L" and not an "I"
@Nightenhelser L is be3cause i impersonate my friend, and I'm honestly not sure, probably just how democratic it is

2020-11-04 17:12:45 UTC  

Just wait until this goes to the courts. Trump is gonna win

2020-11-04 17:12:47 UTC  

Wait Arizona became bidens but trump was near tied and 26% has not been put in yet

2020-11-04 17:12:48 UTC  

Living it 😭😭😭😭

2020-11-04 17:12:48 UTC  

may I aske where's proof so I can show it

2020-11-04 17:12:50 UTC  

LOOK if BIDEN WINS? We get TRUMP back in 2024 to save us from that bullshit

2020-11-04 17:12:51 UTC  

Project Veritas has video of voter fraud, and Some placed have more votes than voters

2020-11-04 17:12:52 UTC  

Everyone dm me all of the proof for voter fraud so I have it

2020-11-04 17:12:53 UTC  

> God bless Donald J Trump to win this election for all of the innocent lives lost for choosing freedom over bondage

2020-11-04 17:12:57 UTC  

> @|||||Lexi||||| Im with good beer here
@dstn Would've had some beer cuz I'm still in my spring break mood ngl

2020-11-04 17:13:01 UTC  


2020-11-04 17:13:11 UTC  

The polls arent looking so good

2020-11-04 17:13:14 UTC  

@Birbdude What kinda birds do you have?

2020-11-04 17:13:28 UTC  

polls are wrong... all pollers need to lose their jobs

2020-11-04 17:13:29 UTC  

He has NV, votes are only showing biden in two counties

2020-11-04 17:13:31 UTC  


2020-11-04 17:13:33 UTC  

Hahaha you are so screwed, that happen when you do nothing with crazy ass sjw

2020-11-04 17:13:35 UTC  

@Mooseybroo what kind of moose do you have?

2020-11-04 17:13:44 UTC **I wonder why he is projected to get the most votes out of any presidential candidate in history, maybe fake votes and voter fraud have to do with this??**

2020-11-04 17:13:45 UTC  


2020-11-04 17:13:46 UTC  

If biden wins y'all shouldn't protest we don't wanna look stoopid

2020-11-04 17:13:48 UTC  

@TomTheNightTrain A large one

2020-11-04 17:14:01 UTC  

@Elon Musk keep links and images out of general

2020-11-04 17:14:02 UTC  

@JoeMama same it is very ignorant to do it, but thats my outlook on it as well, that are using that "pain" and "victimhood" they feel to pander to them just to get their vote, just so when they get in office they dont do shit for anyone. never forget biden has had 47 years to do this shit but didnt.

2020-11-04 17:14:02 UTC  

i am at the point where the next person who mentions a poll i want to hit them very hard with a pole

2020-11-04 17:14:04 UTC  
2020-11-04 17:14:04 UTC  

> If biden wins y'all shouldn't protest we don't wanna look stoopid
@JoeMama exactly, the media will eat that shit up

2020-11-04 17:14:13 UTC  

@Elon Musk I find that to be fraudulent, He aint black

2020-11-04 17:14:16 UTC  

> @dstn Would've had some beer cuz I'm still in my spring break mood ngl
@|||||Lexi||||| we can make discord drinking party after trump winning this race <:TrumpSmile:720121948088041513>

2020-11-04 17:14:17 UTC  

Sorry for posting that link i though i was in a different server my bad

2020-11-04 17:14:17 UTC  

Nevada isn't releasing results til Thursday, right?

2020-11-04 17:14:19 UTC  

so what is the deal with the supreme court. I keep hearing about that

2020-11-04 17:14:22 UTC  


2020-11-04 17:14:24 UTC  

Everyone dm me all the proof of voter fraud so I have it on hand

2020-11-04 17:14:25 UTC  

> If biden wins y'all shouldn't protest we don't wanna look stoopid
@JoeMama But definitely defend yourselves cuz antifa and BLM be going out on a rampage today

2020-11-04 17:14:25 UTC  

hope they get caught