Message from @Sengorn Leopardae

Discord ID: 773758064644980756

2020-11-05 03:56:57 UTC  

@Kyle The Crusader Actually trump, polls lie and say otherwise like 2016

2020-11-05 03:57:02 UTC  

If Trump wins im getting McDonald’s
If Biden wins im getting Wendys

2020-11-05 03:57:05 UTC  

Post it in <#730962055875657749>

2020-11-05 03:57:07 UTC  

GUT FEELING ( Trump Wins <:9360_pixel_yes:726877001138569286> ) or (Biden Wins <:5643_pixel_nop:726876980439416884> )

2020-11-05 03:57:15 UTC  

The channel rules up top say links and videos are allowed

2020-11-05 03:57:20 UTC  

> personally i think america is too split now..this is not the united states. this is he divided states and you both hate each other with a passion. i honestly think you should split into 3 countries
@luminoussun Dividing will destroy us. united we stand, divided we fall. And right now we are falling

2020-11-05 03:57:23 UTC  

<:ZedBiden:769281795228958740> <:YouKnowTheThing:723005092764319776> i see a resembalance

2020-11-05 03:57:29 UTC  

> GUT FEELING ( Trump Wins <:9360_pixel_yes:726877001138569286> ) or (Biden Wins <:5643_pixel_nop:726876980439416884> )
@Big Green Trump victory through the courts

2020-11-05 03:57:30 UTC  

@Benjamin. Omg How Trump vs Alzheimer should be a Landside

2020-11-05 03:57:33 UTC  

> GUT FEELING ( Trump Wins <:9360_pixel_yes:726877001138569286> ) or (Biden Wins <:5643_pixel_nop:726876980439416884> )
@Big Green through the courts trump would 100% win..

2020-11-05 03:57:34 UTC  

@luminoussun bro we dont hate nobody, we hate their ideologies

2020-11-05 03:57:42 UTC  

> If Trump wins im getting McDonald’s
> If Biden wins im getting Wendys
@F3arless_614 someones getting mcdonalds

2020-11-05 03:57:52 UTC  

> personally i think america is too split now..this is not the united states. this is he divided states and you both hate each other with a passion. i honestly think you should split into 3 countries
@luminoussun I'm with ya let the idiots rot then we take back the land

2020-11-05 03:57:55 UTC  

> @Big Green through the courts trump would 100% win..
@Seal I agree. I honestly think Trump Will win b/c of the courts and fraud n shit

2020-11-05 03:58:01 UTC  

Wow... You guys want to get a little outraged?

2020-11-05 03:58:02 UTC  

@Fivan Actually we may not even need the SC

2020-11-05 03:58:08 UTC  

8 years old shouldnt get sex changes. I should have guns. Plain and simple

2020-11-05 03:58:15 UTC  

We still got arizona in running.

2020-11-05 03:58:15 UTC  

He’s already said if it’s an unfair election he won’t leave and will sue...

2020-11-05 03:58:16 UTC  

unzeducated <:YouKnowTheThing:723005092764319776>

2020-11-05 03:58:18 UTC  

outrage is how i sustain my ego

2020-11-05 03:58:21 UTC  

if all the red states got together you would not fall. thne red states are the backbone of the country without you they would fall

2020-11-05 03:58:24 UTC  

> @Benjamin. Omg How Trump vs Alzheimer should be a Landside
@Kyle The Crusader should be but apparently more people in this country are more stupid than I originally thought

2020-11-05 03:58:28 UTC  

> @Fivan Actually we may not even need the SC
@CasualTiming Fingers crossed if that happens. Otherwise, we keep fighting

2020-11-05 03:58:37 UTC  

> @F3arless_614 someones getting mcdonalds
@KentreliseS (IIIII) i can almost smell those nuggets

2020-11-05 03:58:53 UTC  

Check this out! Someone is counting their chickens early it would seem!!!! (From BBC)

2020-11-05 03:59:00 UTC  

New Project Veritas video update 5 minutes ago! The modderators deleted the video link last time (even though the rules say it's okay)
Go look it up yourself I guess.

2020-11-05 03:59:00 UTC  

Orange Man Good, Sniffer Man Bad,

2020-11-05 03:59:04 UTC  

That video is brand spanking new

2020-11-05 03:59:07 UTC  

Guys do you think you could liberate me from south California

2020-11-05 03:59:15 UTC  

holy shit

2020-11-05 03:59:16 UTC  

@Benjamin. Well do what we did in the Old Day put them on a Farm and do Experience on em

2020-11-05 03:59:18 UTC  

let the blue states realise they need you because right now they think you are holding them back and do nothing but sleep with ccows

2020-11-05 03:59:21 UTC  

I just want to live a nice calm normal life and high taxes ain’t normal

2020-11-05 03:59:28 UTC  

kinda feeling not pog, biden has good channces of winning

2020-11-05 03:59:42 UTC  

Give 0 Funds to Blue States

2020-11-05 03:59:45 UTC  

> @Benjamin. Well do what we did in the Old Day put them on a Farm and do Experience on em
@Kyle The Crusader yes

2020-11-05 03:59:54 UTC  

@Space_Lettuce_OG I got the link to the video post it in <#719777555242287115>

2020-11-05 03:59:57 UTC  

eh, that doesn't outrage me. It's smart to have such a website already being worked on so that it's ready to go. Especially since there is a chance he will win