Message from @SpaceDandyJoestarGG

Discord ID: 773758467537240094

2020-11-05 03:58:16 UTC  

unzeducated <:YouKnowTheThing:723005092764319776>

2020-11-05 03:58:18 UTC  

outrage is how i sustain my ego

2020-11-05 03:58:21 UTC  

if all the red states got together you would not fall. thne red states are the backbone of the country without you they would fall

2020-11-05 03:58:24 UTC  

> @Benjamin. Omg How Trump vs Alzheimer should be a Landside
@Kyle The Crusader should be but apparently more people in this country are more stupid than I originally thought

2020-11-05 03:58:28 UTC  

> @Fivan Actually we may not even need the SC
@CasualTiming Fingers crossed if that happens. Otherwise, we keep fighting

2020-11-05 03:58:37 UTC  

> @F3arless_614 someones getting mcdonalds
@KentreliseS (IIIII) i can almost smell those nuggets

2020-11-05 03:58:53 UTC  

Check this out! Someone is counting their chickens early it would seem!!!! (From BBC)

2020-11-05 03:59:00 UTC  

New Project Veritas video update 5 minutes ago! The modderators deleted the video link last time (even though the rules say it's okay)
Go look it up yourself I guess.

2020-11-05 03:59:00 UTC  

Orange Man Good, Sniffer Man Bad,

2020-11-05 03:59:04 UTC  

That video is brand spanking new

2020-11-05 03:59:07 UTC  

Guys do you think you could liberate me from south California

2020-11-05 03:59:15 UTC  

holy shit

2020-11-05 03:59:16 UTC  

@Benjamin. Well do what we did in the Old Day put them on a Farm and do Experience on em

2020-11-05 03:59:18 UTC  

let the blue states realise they need you because right now they think you are holding them back and do nothing but sleep with ccows

2020-11-05 03:59:21 UTC  

I just want to live a nice calm normal life and high taxes ain’t normal

2020-11-05 03:59:28 UTC  

kinda feeling not pog, biden has good channces of winning

2020-11-05 03:59:42 UTC  

Give 0 Funds to Blue States

2020-11-05 03:59:45 UTC  

> @Benjamin. Well do what we did in the Old Day put them on a Farm and do Experience on em
@Kyle The Crusader yes

2020-11-05 03:59:54 UTC  

@Space_Lettuce_OG I got the link to the video post it in <#719777555242287115>

2020-11-05 03:59:57 UTC  

eh, that doesn't outrage me. It's smart to have such a website already being worked on so that it's ready to go. Especially since there is a chance he will win

2020-11-05 03:59:58 UTC  

Death to Tiktok

2020-11-05 04:00:06 UTC  

you guys know if you add up all of trumps votes he has like 230

2020-11-05 04:00:09 UTC  

god i hate shit tok so much

2020-11-05 04:00:17 UTC  


2020-11-05 04:00:18 UTC  

trump 2020<:TrumpEmoji:720119339185078332> <:TrumpSmile:720121948088041513>

2020-11-05 04:00:21 UTC  

Tik kok

2020-11-05 04:00:26 UTC  

> you guys know if you add up all of trumps votes he has like 230
@timothy no he has 267

2020-11-05 04:00:26 UTC  

@SpaceDandyJoestarGG No that's old, this one's new

2020-11-05 04:00:26 UTC  

I hate TikTok

2020-11-05 04:00:31 UTC  

I should get zeducated

2020-11-05 04:00:42 UTC  

ive never seen demokkkrats so angry since last time when we took their slaves
first white supremacy
and now black supremacy
who knew?

2020-11-05 04:00:48 UTC  

@Space_Lettuce_OG I'm talking about the new one lol came out on 9:53 for me

2020-11-05 04:01:00 UTC  

@timothy include PA NC GA and AK in trumps count he’s got those states

2020-11-05 04:01:05 UTC  

i can not say this enough to you people if biden wins he is going to kill the heart of america. you are all going to become jobs just criminals with guns and you will not have them

2020-11-05 04:01:08 UTC  

> Guys do you think you could liberate me from south California
@Thunderstr1ke Me too please

2020-11-05 04:01:11 UTC  


2020-11-05 04:01:12 UTC  

@SpaceDandyJoestarGG Ya, that one's not on that channel

2020-11-05 04:01:14 UTC  

Ur all undercover liberals

2020-11-05 04:01:17 UTC  

can someone zeducate me?