Message from @Péck

Discord ID: 773934745083969607

2020-11-05 15:38:57 UTC  

> I am watching Cenk Uygur freaking out rn. It is hilarious
@🎄Brandon P-R2k🎄 oh god tyt in 2016 was funny enough

2020-11-05 15:39:01 UTC  

@FerretFondue trump couldn’t get a recount until the votes are “verified” WI has already said they’re gonna wait until the deadline which is dec 1st...that could change if the Supreme Court steps in

2020-11-05 15:39:03 UTC  

> in a way im kind of scared of Trump winning because of all the BLM-Antifa riots that will happen, itll be so much worse than before
@un-w better to face them head on and put an end to it than just having them get away scot free to riot with impunity again once something new bothers them

2020-11-05 15:39:12 UTC  

We can’t let fear and mobs rule the nation @un-w

2020-11-05 15:39:21 UTC  

freaking mailinvotes

2020-11-05 15:39:25 UTC  

> @FerretFondue trump couldn’t get a recount until the votes are “verified” WI has already said they’re gonna wait until the deadline which is dec 1st...that could change if the Supreme Court steps in
@TomTheNightTrain thank you for the info

2020-11-05 15:39:29 UTC  

More people are leaving the left *because* of the riots and whatnot

2020-11-05 15:39:33 UTC  

<:BanHammer:767180158100570158> =biden

2020-11-05 15:39:34 UTC  

He likes capitalism, gun control, and illegal immigration but is republican on everything else stinky moderate

2020-11-05 15:39:34 UTC  

All the violent blm and antifa rioters need to be locked up

2020-11-05 15:39:35 UTC  

We should ban mail.

2020-11-05 15:39:35 UTC  

the tyt 2016 freakout was terrible

2020-11-05 15:39:38 UTC  

Shoutout to CNN for actually being responsible and recalling Arizona

2020-11-05 15:39:42 UTC  

im lucky to live in the country a few miles out of a very small town town but its still scary to hear about sometimes

2020-11-05 15:40:01 UTC  

If Biden is President he will fired all Officers and send the Military to Iran hahaha

2020-11-05 15:40:01 UTC  

> Shoutout to CNN for actually being responsible and recalling Arizona

Unlike fox lmaoo

2020-11-05 15:40:02 UTC  

yes or find joe biden's discord account and spam IMPEACH JOE BIDEN

2020-11-05 15:40:18 UTC  

@FerretFondue we already have national guard. Trump is not afraid to use the guard now that it's too late to vote against him

2020-11-05 15:40:18 UTC  

in dm's

2020-11-05 15:40:19 UTC  

> <:BanHammer:767180158100570158> =biden
@Ecto cool For real. How is biden eligible to run with all the evidence against him and proof of such corruption? That and its obvious he has dementia

2020-11-05 15:40:22 UTC  

is there any article about the number of registered voters?

2020-11-05 15:40:29 UTC  

> yes or find joe biden's discord account and spam IMPEACH JOE BIDEN
@Ecto cool like he actually knows how to use discord lol, prolly cardi b operating his discord

2020-11-05 15:40:36 UTC  

> is there any article about the number of registered voters?
@Péck which state?

2020-11-05 15:40:41 UTC  

anything happen i jus came back

2020-11-05 15:40:42 UTC  


2020-11-05 15:40:54 UTC  

> @Péck which state?
@RaznBagel any

2020-11-05 15:40:55 UTC  

> anything happen i jus came back
Kanye won

2020-11-05 15:40:55 UTC  

Dont impeach joe because then kamala will get in early

2020-11-05 15:41:08 UTC  

then impeach both of them at the beginning

2020-11-05 15:41:11 UTC  

@Péck you can look up per state the voter registration numbers and they normally give a breakdown by county

2020-11-05 15:41:12 UTC  


2020-11-05 15:41:13 UTC  

We need Pelosi out

2020-11-05 15:41:20 UTC  

Do you guys still believe that Trump could win

2020-11-05 15:41:25 UTC  


2020-11-05 15:41:28 UTC  

maybe she'll die of old age soon

2020-11-05 15:41:29 UTC  


2020-11-05 15:41:30 UTC  

Even if joe isn’t impeached, kamala is running the show

2020-11-05 15:41:32 UTC  

In California there’s a couple counties with more registered voters than residents.

2020-11-05 15:41:33 UTC  

Yep, bur prolly in court

2020-11-05 15:41:38 UTC  

honestly who would be worse, kamala or biden? at least kamala can get sentences out

2020-11-05 15:41:38 UTC  
