Message from @( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ)

Discord ID: 774108123664744490

2020-11-06 03:07:56 UTC  

> We not talking how ARIZONA has a 46k difference now
@C̶y̶a̶n̶i̶d̶e̶I̶s̶G̶u̶d̶ WTF?!

2020-11-06 03:07:59 UTC  

This whole election seems very suspect and very fraudulent, we have to hope that the courts find it out and we get the real results

2020-11-06 03:07:59 UTC  

How's it loking everyone?

2020-11-06 03:08:00 UTC  

> We not talking how ARIZONA has a 46k difference now
@C̶y̶a̶n̶i̶d̶e̶I̶s̶G̶u̶d̶ really??? NICE

2020-11-06 03:08:04 UTC  

> @Nicnac610 I planned on spending time getting to know my GF in her country for months now. I planned this while everyone had hope for a second term. I even learned portuguese
@newt-gecko-goat I'd say that's fine considering you have a specific reason for leaving the US. What I don't like is people who leave just because someone is elected

2020-11-06 03:08:20 UTC  

@Dstar_Destroyer has to be the most suspicious and fraudulent election in U.S history.

2020-11-06 03:08:23 UTC  

> @C̶y̶a̶n̶i̶d̶e̶I̶s̶G̶u̶d̶ really??? NICE
@dbel The only question is if thats going to be enough

2020-11-06 03:08:27 UTC  

one of the most

2020-11-06 03:08:35 UTC  

Okay I gotta go, working on a protest sign for the Phoenix rally tomorrow morning

2020-11-06 03:08:36 UTC  

> Buy tissues Bossking
@Failco I'm afraid that you'll be able to buy republican tissue after all this

2020-11-06 03:08:40 UTC  

<:Ben_Cringe:752572527120875520> Goodbye democracy...... I’ve always loved you

2020-11-06 03:08:40 UTC  

> @dbel The only question is if thats going to be enough
@( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) sadly not

2020-11-06 03:08:41 UTC  

> one of the most
@Dstar_Destroyer Which was worse?

2020-11-06 03:08:49 UTC  

At this rate it will probably be Bush v. Gore but worse

2020-11-06 03:08:50 UTC  

> This whole election seems very suspect and very fraudulent, we have to hope that the courts find it out and we get the real results
@Dstar_Destroyer duh it’s obvious as hell

2020-11-06 03:08:56 UTC  
2020-11-06 03:08:59 UTC  

not sure, i just dont like dealing with absolutes

2020-11-06 03:09:10 UTC  

> @dbel The only question is if thats going to be enough
@( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) I still think Trump will keep Georgia so if he takes Florida then wins Pennsylvania it’s GREAT

2020-11-06 03:09:15 UTC  

Hello everyone

2020-11-06 03:09:18 UTC  

> This whole election seems very suspect and very fraudulent, we have to hope that the courts find it out and we get the real results
@Dstar_Destroyer this may be true but we sound like the Democrats in 2016 🤦

2020-11-06 03:09:18 UTC  

> not sure, i just dont like dealing with absolutes
@Dstar_Destroyer True, I just wanted to know if there was another example

2020-11-06 03:09:20 UTC  


2020-11-06 03:09:24 UTC  


2020-11-06 03:09:30 UTC  

> Hello everyone
@Lucario Hiya

2020-11-06 03:09:37 UTC  

@Lucario hello Pokémon

2020-11-06 03:09:41 UTC  

> @( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) I still think Trump will keep Georgia so if he takes Florida then wins Pennsylvania it’s GREAT
@dbel I really hope so. Sorry us Arizonians have let everyone down

2020-11-06 03:09:43 UTC  

lucario best pokemon ever. fighting and steel

2020-11-06 03:09:43 UTC  

Lmao we really just sayin hi right now ! Lmao

2020-11-06 03:09:43 UTC  

People too dumb to self govern it turns out

2020-11-06 03:09:48 UTC  

I know, we really do sound like the dems in 2016, but there is video proof of fraudulent votes

2020-11-06 03:09:48 UTC  

> not sure, i just dont like dealing with absolutes
@Dstar_Destroyer Absolutes are all the Dems left the American Public with.

2020-11-06 03:09:51 UTC  

> @Dstar_Destroyer this may be true but we sound like the Democrats in 2016 🤦
@SomeSouthernGuy seem so, we gotta be calmer

2020-11-06 03:09:58 UTC  


2020-11-06 03:09:59 UTC  

Ok I clearly have more faith than all of you, so I'll just carry that while you're all whining

2020-11-06 03:10:03 UTC  

which makes me think that we may not be in the wrong

2020-11-06 03:10:05 UTC  

> Okay I gotta go, working on a protest sign for the Phoenix rally tomorrow morning
@Nicnac610 good luck. Please be safe 🇺🇲🇺🇸

2020-11-06 03:10:06 UTC  

@( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) damn you arizona although Californians are outnumbered here too

2020-11-06 03:10:08 UTC  
2020-11-06 03:10:14 UTC  

I feel like the dems will cheat through to GA

2020-11-06 03:10:15 UTC  

> lucario best pokemon ever. fighting and steel
@joelseph Nah, Falinks is the best (I still dislike gen 8 tho)

2020-11-06 03:10:18 UTC