Message from @dastenhero

Discord ID: 774147818797400075

2020-11-06 05:45:18 UTC  

Vandal you would die of alcohol poison

2020-11-06 05:45:28 UTC  

> In my opinion, Trump is on the route to becoming what Hitler was.
@Doctor Pepper, the First there is something wrong with you

2020-11-06 05:45:28 UTC  

KKK is rally bad but they are basically dead.

2020-11-06 05:45:31 UTC  

Is the KKK even a thing? I've never seen a klansman.

2020-11-06 05:45:31 UTC  

Me weighing 120 pounds, I'd be dead in about 15 minutes

2020-11-06 05:45:33 UTC  

> I got an idea. One whiskey shot for every democrat that get's caught cheating in this election
@ThatShadyVandal you sure you will have enough lol

2020-11-06 05:45:41 UTC  

the KKK has like 2k members

2020-11-06 05:45:46 UTC  

2 people

2020-11-06 05:45:48 UTC  

I might need to hit a puff if Biden wins, I really dont want to

2020-11-06 05:45:59 UTC  

only kkk people i have seen is democrats at a fancy dress party

2020-11-06 05:45:59 UTC  

> anti zion doesnt mean anti semite
> <@!774146047182241793> Anti Zion does mean the opposition of Israel as a Jewish state, which is built into the Jewish faith

2020-11-06 05:46:02 UTC  

Like the KKK sucks but they have only a couple thousand members and only nine of them showed up to their rally in Ohio

2020-11-06 05:46:02 UTC  

@xd_gangster69 for my opinion?

2020-11-06 05:46:27 UTC  

One minute your dressed as a ghost on haloween, next minute your ina group of ghosts picking on the guy who dressed up as bill cosby

2020-11-06 05:46:34 UTC  

can we stop talking about the KKK? thank you

2020-11-06 05:46:35 UTC  

i wonder if enrique tario and that woman who got stabbed as well are doing fine-

2020-11-06 05:46:37 UTC  

almost all of us

2020-11-06 05:46:57 UTC  

the kkk endorse biden as did the white supremists funny how he got so much coverage last election when he endorsed trump

2020-11-06 05:46:58 UTC  

Tario didnt get stabbed right

2020-11-06 05:46:59 UTC  

hell no

2020-11-06 05:47:02 UTC  

fascism would not be good for America

2020-11-06 05:47:16 UTC  

I hate all comies of any race

2020-11-06 05:47:26 UTC  

> imo fascism would be good for america.
<@!774146047182241793> I'm sorry .... WHAT?

2020-11-06 05:47:28 UTC  

Trump is on the way to become a fascist leader

2020-11-06 05:47:37 UTC  


2020-11-06 05:47:43 UTC  

not really

2020-11-06 05:47:45 UTC  

im baffled i really am

2020-11-06 05:47:54 UTC  

> who else hates antifa?
<@!774146047182241793> dont hate, Antifa people do have their good intentions and think they do the right thing, but it is sad to see how poorly rotten they are inside they cant even see themselves

2020-11-06 05:47:57 UTC  

> Trump is on the way to become a fascist leader
@Doctor Pepper, the First Umm what?

2020-11-06 05:48:02 UTC  

Trump is really trying to not be fascistic

2020-11-06 05:48:11 UTC  

anything that spells 'dictatorial' is n o t okay for any country, especially america

2020-11-06 05:48:14 UTC  

> Trump is on the way to become a fascist leader
@Doctor Pepper, the First He isn't Hitler until he declares publically that all woes of the country are because of a certain race of people, breaks out the concetration camps, and starts a world war just for power

2020-11-06 05:48:34 UTC  

fascism = less freedom. Boom.

2020-11-06 05:48:41 UTC  

delegitimizing votes...

2020-11-06 05:48:55 UTC  

Trump is literally trying to make sure the election is counted correctly

2020-11-06 05:49:04 UTC  

This is a nation founded on freedom. If Biden wins legitimately, I'm willing to accept him as my president.

2020-11-06 05:49:05 UTC  

ye ikr

2020-11-06 05:49:20 UTC  

I doubt it

2020-11-06 05:49:25 UTC  

German news are so friggin biased it actually hurts me to listen.

2020-11-06 05:49:26 UTC  

I have to be honest tho, what I dislike about conservatives is that they think th US is the best and freest country in the world, which is so ignorant imo
