Message from @Simpnautica

Discord ID: 775442446959116349

2020-11-09 19:29:14 UTC  

when everything that the left says is accepted or pushed further by the MSM or is inducted into education like the 1619 project, it almost exacerbates your so called nazi pipeline becasue its the rebellious side

2020-11-09 19:29:15 UTC  

> @Nowhere-incoming I can understand not wanting the gov to pay for it, but what is it your builness what someone wants to do if it makes them happy
@Evicheemy We should let crazy people stab themselves, because it makes them happy.

2020-11-09 19:29:19 UTC  

> obviously. Im not. however saying that said pipeline doesn exist, or that nazis arent a threat isnt true
@Evicheemy what did the Nazis do again? Night of broken glass? Lock minorities up? Hate the rich? Be Socialists? Riots? Killings if innocent civilians?

Who's doing that in 2020? It's not the Republicans

2020-11-09 19:29:28 UTC  

Are you talking about gender reassignment surgery? I think that's what it's called

2020-11-09 19:29:35 UTC  

think so

2020-11-09 19:29:43 UTC  


2020-11-09 19:29:44 UTC  

Evicheemy is for, the rest aren't

2020-11-09 19:29:47 UTC  

i am a spectator

2020-11-09 19:29:52 UTC  

> SO? people should have the free choice to do whatever tf they want in their lives hurtful or not
@Evicheemy No they don't, the mentally ill do not.

2020-11-09 19:30:16 UTC  

Cutting off your dick is not a mentally healthy person's decision

2020-11-09 19:30:39 UTC  

> SO? people should have the free choice to do whatever tf they want in their lives hurtful or not
@Evicheemy Therein lies the irony though. We have a social responsiblity to enact say, welfare -- but not ... protect the welfare of a child?

2020-11-09 19:30:40 UTC  

its the slippery slope Evi

2020-11-09 19:30:50 UTC  

its the we give them an inch and they take a mile

2020-11-09 19:31:02 UTC  

if a man wants his dick chopped off... he can do it no?

2020-11-09 19:31:05 UTC  

> @Nowhere-incoming hmmm for someone who loves liberty it seems to be a "freedom for me but not for you" type thing
@Evicheemy "Who cares what crazy people do! Let them hurt themselves!" You right now...

2020-11-09 19:31:10 UTC  

Cuz it ruins their lives

2020-11-09 19:31:19 UTC  

> if a man wants his dick chopped off... he can do it no?
@Simpnautica I mean ... who's gonna stop you if you that determined but ow

2020-11-09 19:31:19 UTC  

I know evil those trump rallies where they burn city blocks rught!

2020-11-09 19:31:21 UTC  

just like abortion, we let them have it at one point, now they are trying to get actual born babies aborted in some places in America

2020-11-09 19:31:24 UTC  

> who tf care
@Evicheemy you're gonna push it into law that we all pay for this stupid surgery too, don't act like you aren't after how heavily it's been pushed already.

2020-11-09 19:31:26 UTC  

but it's their lives to ruin tho no?

2020-11-09 19:32:03 UTC  

You're thinking about it too negatively. Why not think of transition as a cure for gender (idk what the word is)?

2020-11-09 19:32:07 UTC  

> @Dstar_Destroyer its not a mandatory thing. no one is forcing this on you. we just want people to have the freedom to make choices about their health and body
@Evicheemy once you force it into the national healthcare plan as a MANDATORY surgery, we'd all have to pay for it.

2020-11-09 19:32:18 UTC  

Cuz its not a cure at all

2020-11-09 19:32:23 UTC  

> but it's their lives to ruin tho no?
@Simpnautica That doesn't mean they don't need help, bombarding them with media and opinions that they're "fine" will not help them.

2020-11-09 19:32:26 UTC  

> @elgo no. I wouldnt want you to have to pay for it
@Evicheemy you would, you and everyone else who's like that

2020-11-09 19:32:28 UTC  

I'm just saying its the slippery slope, that will lead it from being let those who want to transition to transition to, if you kid say they are a girl, let them become a girl

2020-11-09 19:32:38 UTC  

i spoke to a psychologist a while back and he said gender changing was linked to suisides rates being higher... BUT at the end of the day it's their choice

2020-11-09 19:32:44 UTC  

Healthcare Battle Royale

2020-11-09 19:32:52 UTC  

shouldnt people be responsible for themselves first

2020-11-09 19:33:06 UTC  

If the baby can live out the womb it's not abortion, it's infanticide

2020-11-09 19:33:29 UTC  

> i spoke to a physchologist a while back and he said gender changing was linked to suisides rates being higher... BUT at the end of the day it's their choice
@Simpnautica Would you not try to stop someone killing themselves? They're not in their right mind.

2020-11-09 19:33:45 UTC  

> thats why they should let them do it if they want
@Evicheemy you can cut your genitals off at home. No need for me to pay for a professional to do this to you.

2020-11-09 19:33:56 UTC  

The left has basically justified baby killing

2020-11-09 19:34:02 UTC  

Plus most people don't instantly go in to surgery, that comes way after hormone shots, and that comes after simple dressing up and acting differently

2020-11-09 19:34:10 UTC  

> @Simpnautica Would you not try to stop someone killing themselves? They're not in their right mind.
@Nowhere-incoming well the other people who don't do it don't do it... i think it comes down to that

2020-11-09 19:34:14 UTC  

> @chimchim totally different discussion tho. trans surg isnt killing anything
@Evicheemy you ever see blaire white, she interviews kids that transition some good -- some not good at all and it's very sad

2020-11-09 19:34:15 UTC  

I mean trans surgery if they wanna pay for it is fine

2020-11-09 19:34:17 UTC  

> @chimchim totally different discussion tho. trans surg isnt killing anything
@Evicheemy *Cough* 40% suicide rate *cough*

2020-11-09 19:34:22 UTC  

It's something that you think about for a long time

2020-11-09 19:34:29 UTC  

It's not like you can just ... control + Z