Message from @KentreliseS (IIIII)

Discord ID: 776292772608737300

2020-11-12 03:46:14 UTC  

i would get a tattoo but it wouldnt be huge. a simple American flag or a badass eagle

2020-11-12 03:46:19 UTC  

I have exactly one tattoo, from when I flung my hand around and got stabbed by a tattoo gun

2020-11-12 03:46:38 UTC  

> @Okori Inaka It's where it started.
@DishonoredRonin Actually, no it's not. It started with the Ninja Clans.

2020-11-12 03:46:45 UTC  

> I have exactly one tattoo, from when I flung my hand around and got stabbed by a tattoo gun
@SubtleSara Mood tbh

2020-11-12 03:47:02 UTC  

Even Samurai took up getting full shirt tattoos in Japan, before the Yakuza did.

2020-11-12 03:47:13 UTC  

> @SubtleSara Mood tbh
@The Phage Mage I was 14, and my sister's older friends were tattooing eachother, ugh

2020-11-12 03:47:28 UTC  

I meant the modern versions, but point to you.

2020-11-12 03:47:50 UTC  

We pin a team of Child molesters against a team of illegal immigrants and the winners get aquitted, We'll call it: Aliens vs Predators

2020-11-12 03:48:07 UTC  

I’d get a tattoo with an American Eagle or something on my back

2020-11-12 03:48:09 UTC  

But a small one

2020-11-12 03:48:45 UTC  

Well, yeah. The modern versions is mainly something the Yakuza do, as a form of showing that they can take great pain. However, there's others, such as fishermen, sailors, military, many who get into martial arts...

2020-11-12 03:49:06 UTC

2020-11-12 03:49:12 UTC  

How about a home alone movie with a adult kevin defending his home on purge night

2020-11-12 03:49:14 UTC  

Nice hand

2020-11-12 03:49:20 UTC  

> How about a home alone movie with a adult kevin defending his home on purge night
@Lucario ooh

2020-11-12 03:49:22 UTC  

That little blue dot to the left middle

2020-11-12 03:49:31 UTC  

Subtle Sara is 'handing' it to us. XD

2020-11-12 03:49:35 UTC  


2020-11-12 03:49:44 UTC  

wait i think they basically did a thing advertising google home with the actor of Kevin

2020-11-12 03:50:05 UTC  

Oh we've moved on from tattoos, lemme catch up

2020-11-12 03:50:19 UTC  

>>confirmed millions die from gunshots by crazy people which can be significantly reduced by arming the civilian in the first place
>>suspect able few hundred thousands die from covid
<:Dude:726878886411108474> liberals still rage about the 2nd amendment

2020-11-12 03:50:56 UTC  

Liberals rage about anything. Like cow farts

2020-11-12 03:51:07 UTC  

i see no reason to be vegan

2020-11-12 03:51:15 UTC  

Do we ever rage about anything?

2020-11-12 03:51:24 UTC  

either you buy the meat or not

2020-11-12 03:51:30 UTC  

the company are still producing it

2020-11-12 03:51:39 UTC  

its just when you use that resource or don't

2020-11-12 03:52:03 UTC  

I might get mad about something but I don't rage I go cool down

2020-11-12 03:52:05 UTC  

and wasting it is even worse such as some vegans going all the way to buy meat and then THROW it away in cans of trash

2020-11-12 03:52:15 UTC  

Covid impacted farmers severely, they had to kill entire herds because they couldn't afford to feed them

2020-11-12 03:52:23 UTC  

theres no point of a animal being cut if we dont eat it

2020-11-12 03:52:49 UTC  

The left say that guns kill people. So do knives, cars, alcohol and more. They all miss the point. It's PEOPLE that kill people. The TOOL just makes it easier, but does that mean we HAVE to take away what protects us just because a few who WANT to kill use these tools? Doesn't that protect us LESS? Isn't gun control like making it harder for all good, law-abiding people to get a car, just because Drunk Drivers ignore the law?

2020-11-12 03:53:09 UTC  

Guns don't kill people. People with mustaches kill people.

2020-11-12 03:53:11 UTC  

> The left say that guns kill people. So do knives, cars, alcohol and more. They all miss the point. It's PEOPLE that kill people. The TOOL just makes it easier, but does that mean we HAVE to take away what protects us just because a few who WANT to kill use these tools? Doesn't that protect us LESS? Isn't gun control like making it harder for all good, law-abiding people to get a car, just because Drunk Drivers ignore the law?
@Okori Inaka This

2020-11-12 03:53:31 UTC  

Criminals get killed by Police who follow protocol

2020-11-12 03:53:39 UTC  

I have a mustache

2020-11-12 03:54:00 UTC  

well now I'm scared

2020-11-12 03:54:43 UTC  

I'm going to go post memes

2020-11-12 03:54:58 UTC  

*Every single time* that you hear some black dude was killed by police, research it, they were a criminal already, and didn't follow police instructions. Criminals don't want to be caught, they would rather die by police than be caught and live in jail for 40 years.

2020-11-12 03:55:38 UTC  

But the left spreads like wildfire

2020-11-12 03:55:54 UTC  

"UNARMED BLACK MAN" Yeah he had a knife, you dumb shits.