Message from @Shadow town
Discord ID: 777729536569769984
> old chunk of coal
@libertiesson mad child
who here is going to have Thanks Giving with their family?
Ain’t no government stopping us
people ask me why I'm so into dinosaur and other prehistoric animals being presented accurately and I say "they're the closest things we have to aliens and pokemon, let me enjoy getting smart"
> Ain’t no government stopping us
@Shadow town sounds like a song
> i have the weirdest taste in music lol
@CyberRecon ha I lessen to classical then jump into hard rock then remixes
That is normal music my friend
Other then pink guy
I love freaking people out with out of context stories of me murdering video game enemies
> @CyberRecon ha I lessen to classical then jump into hard rock then remixes
@Shadow town life be like that you can like one the most calming music and like the most heaviest metal ever
> I love freaking people out with out of context stories of me murdering video game enemies
@BIRdOS playing red dead2 when your mom walk in on you looting o’Driscolls dead bodies
That or shooting law men bc of a mission
That looks worse then looting dead bodies
me, but when a Yiga footsoldier shows up to kill me and a blow him to bits with 5 bombarrows in BotW
Blows a guys head off with the shotgun the moment she walks in
> me, but when a Yiga footsoldier shows up to kill me and a blow him to bits with 5 bombarrows in BotW
@BIRdOS you can blow body parts off with a shot gun in rdr2
heh sounds fun
> Blows a guys head off with the shotgun the moment she walks in
@A.W. Sumchari Reborn#6011 <:KEK:726877368601411624> I’ve done that
harvesting my fallen foe's organs to make potions to sell to NPCs to make money
BOTW was awesome
Skinning animals is the only harvesting you do on red dead
Well that and herbs
Herbs don’t involve blood
Not back in Nam...
Well actually if a law man shows up while your just trying to pick herbs then it gets bloody
stolen steak tastes better, I running up to boko camps and stealing then eating their steak right in front of them
Bro election can we still win
some what
> Bro election can we still win
@Sir_Chuckles101 yes
it will be a hard fight
A couple different ways actually
I’ll let @Awsumchari (Back from the dead) explain because I’m to lazy
Not gonna lie, but I just read the rules and it sounds like a Democrat made them.
Fool, my laziness is beyond your comprehension
> Not gonna lie, but I just read the rules and it sounds like a Democrat made them.
@FBI i feel like it is
That and I’m jumping between like 6 chats rn