
Discord ID: 709501953113325608

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Hello everyone I new to this channel......Lets go Trump 2020

Thanks for the welcome.....Im so greatful we added seats to the house and kept the senate. Trump is the best president of my entire life.

AT&T is sellingg CNN ...its a cash poor investment


well said drift

did you peeps catch Ben Shapiro show with him reading the anti-racist baby book? Its pathetic

i can see some hollywood actor reading that to their baby


Who here is a Norm Macdonald fan....he is the best

old chunk of coal

who here is going to have Thanks Giving with their family?

> Ainโ€™t no government stopping us
@Shadow town sounds like a song


Do you know the diference between jam and jelly?

i should have jellyied the door closed

a few years ago I went to a dive bar and after a few beers I had to use the bathroom. While standing at the urinal someone had wrote something on the wall at eye level. It said "wanna here a joke?" then just below that read "the joke is in your hand"

morning susnshines...Its monday time to make the doughnuts. Lets go


how about the wave

hatch who

yeah justin Trudeau just said something about the pandemic is a chance to does that mean

be like the thanks I dont want to come in second

good on ya bro...making that lemonade from a lemon


blessed are the cheese makers

Take a CAD class then make a better widget start your own business...this is what America was designed for. Take advantage of the system.


lets go trump 2020

hire someone to do the computer

I have a CAD guy for 65 an hour he is amazing

lives in NJ

find a product at a new product convention and wholesale to B2B

lets go Trump 2020

Invest in yourself

You know more than that

beware of japanese waitress bearing Chinese fortune cookie

it comes free with the meal I guess

OMg Gavin newsome the biggest prick ever just apologized for breaking his own covid rules....what a monumental douche bag

twitter check mark people are like the kid in class wearing a dunce cap

someone put twitte in the corner

> @SovereignPariah dude, blacks can't be racist!!
@BrightPopz of course they can...are you stupid or something

hahahah I read that and it instantly pissed me off then I stuck my foot in my mouth. sorry

my bad

@BrightPopz you are a scholar and a gentlemen

> a blind man walks into a bar.
> and a table. and a chair.
@Taternater74 I see said the blind man who picked up his hammer and saw

black licorice matters

is this the Lilly Sing fap on discord?

we the people is more powerful than any monarch

you did a darning joke....jokes from the 1850's

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