Message from @ThiccTomato

Discord ID: 778709372540813363

2020-11-18 19:50:37 UTC  

fascism is a leftist ideology lol. the government is huge in fascism.

2020-11-18 19:50:45 UTC  

fascism and socialism aren't mutually exclusive. Fascism is authoritarian ultranationalism, it's a power structure. Socialism is an economic structure. Fascism + socialism = Nazism.

2020-11-18 19:50:54 UTC  

how the fuck is fascism a leftist ideology

2020-11-18 19:50:58 UTC  

"Nazism is a form of fascism,[2][3][4][5] with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. It incorporates fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, scientific racism, and the use of eugenics into its creed."

2020-11-18 19:51:11 UTC  

fascism isn't exclusively authoritarian

2020-11-18 19:51:14 UTC  

the government is huge like i said

2020-11-18 19:51:15 UTC  

Will Trump Win in the Courts?

2020-11-18 19:51:22 UTC  


2020-11-18 19:51:25 UTC  

I hate this new system of replys

2020-11-18 19:51:26 UTC  

Don’t argue something you don’t know about guys

2020-11-18 19:51:35 UTC  

they did

2020-11-18 19:51:40 UTC  


2020-11-18 19:51:50 UTC  

they were fascists

2020-11-18 19:51:55 UTC  

Yeah and Leninists hate Trotskyists

2020-11-18 19:51:56 UTC  

and therefore hated everyone who didn't agree with them

2020-11-18 19:52:10 UTC  

Nazis got rid of the police before it was cool

2020-11-18 19:52:14 UTC  

sure buddy

2020-11-18 19:52:53 UTC  

no they didn't

2020-11-18 19:53:00 UTC  

well, they did

2020-11-18 19:53:01 UTC  

the nazis never defunded or got rid of their police

2020-11-18 19:53:02 UTC  

Oh boi

2020-11-18 19:53:03 UTC  

no they didn't

2020-11-18 19:53:10 UTC  

they removed it and installed their thugs

2020-11-18 19:53:34 UTC  

A leftist source

2020-11-18 19:53:39 UTC  


2020-11-18 19:53:41 UTC  

During the Spanish civil war, there was a second one, inside the Republican faction. The anarchists turned on the communists and the Republicans turned on the socialists and then the fascists came and killed them all.

2020-11-18 19:54:03 UTC

2020-11-18 19:54:18 UTC  

thats human nature

2020-11-18 19:54:23 UTC  

and its true in many cases

2020-11-18 19:54:25 UTC  


2020-11-18 19:54:30 UTC  

Confirmation bias is a real thing, yes.

2020-11-18 19:54:36 UTC  

So Hitler never replaced the regular police with his police?

2020-11-18 19:54:43 UTC  

Technically they didn’t really defund their police. They radicalized them into nazis

2020-11-18 19:54:54 UTC  

And made brown coats

2020-11-18 19:54:56 UTC  

and installed their own version

2020-11-18 19:55:02 UTC  

Less "defund" and more "replace with our dudes?"

2020-11-18 19:55:02 UTC  

which basically became more powerful

2020-11-18 19:55:13 UTC  

and then they united the forces

2020-11-18 19:55:21 UTC  

Eh I thought they had the army and the SS take over that aspect of the government

2020-11-18 19:55:32 UTC  

so basically they morphed their police force