Message from @nerdyowly
Discord ID: 778736145257201664
If shutdowns worked covid wouldn't be a thing
Homemade Fries > Baked Potatoes > Everything Else potato wise
I wore a mask alot, got covid
I coughed once
that was it
I’m back
potato + tomato = pomato
We why don't we shut down for the flu every year?
I had covid back in January before they had testing here or knew what it was... it was BAD
The Kung Flu is a hoax
But I was fine
or totato
i just saw a CNN clip on Hiveminds channel and it showed Biden with over 300 electoral votes
Can I promote my PlayStation username so I can have people to play with so I do not get depressed or sad
They sure know how to fake winners
Had it again a few weeks ago... completely different. It’s just like a cold. It’s mutated to be even less dangerous. Like a sinus infection
but do you want a certificate that says you are sad
@Tyrone Gay no
you can promote nothin
Apparently MSM has people that will read an article on Trump’s wife farting 20 years ago in class.
but the mods promote stuff all the time
Ok Can I make a group chat with the person
Looks like trump lost, wether you think it was fraud or not, His lawsuits, his last chance, are getting shot down
Rule 13
the mods are above the rules
If you find other people on here that you play that with but dm it. Don’t try to promote it here
I don’t send links to my twitch.
Such as?
Ok I thought I could make a group chat then tell them thanks for telling me
Trump doesnt have a chance mates
We aren’t above rules