Austro Hamburger Empire

Discord ID: 751182767269740586

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Why is there so many channels lol

I take it yall are republicans correct?


I saw the red and thought "oh no"

Wanna hear something insane

The biggest leftie streamer "vaush" straight up said he thinks child prn should be legal 0___0


Because they dont know any better

Or he is a pervert

I saw this crazy ass maoist the other day

@eh Ⓐ I love your pfp lol

Wait someones an anarchist

yes who

`being a kyle` very serious allegation

@eh Ⓐ I wont hold it against ya if you dont spam pog and pepe the frog if you dont agree with some one lol

Anarchy cringe ngl

Guys this sounds odd, but what do you think of the confederate flag debate?

I think the flag needs to go

Honestly, confederate flag=nazi flag

Dont tell me you subscribe to the lost cause myth...

Same, but I dont live in germany, but that doesnt mean I dont care if someone flies a nazi one @eh Ⓐ

Even if not as bad as the other, you still shouldt fly it

it is mate

Sorry to say

Why do you think its not?

Its not getting rid of history my guy

@Suspected Kyle so is the swastika..

@eh Ⓐ i mean the ACTUALL nazi one

@AMERICANFREEDOM [CEO OF FREEDOM] I get that if you dont want it banned, but you should still be avidly against some one who flies it

not morally

@Suspected Kyle I dont care about the past symbolism, if some one hoist the funny pinwheel on a white cirlce in a red backdrop i think we all know what they say..

Just because you CAN doesnt mean you should

I can call black people the n word but I dont

cuz its wrong

I know, I respect your right to choose, but that doesnt make it morally right

abortions? we talking abortions?

@Suspected Kyle That myth has been disproved countles of times m8

@AMERICANFREEDOM [CEO OF FREEDOM] Look up the "lost cause myth" its what you guys are referencing when you say "its our heritage"

@AMERICANFREEDOM [CEO OF FREEDOM] apologies, not you, its kyle

Im from nj lads

@Suspected Kyle ..pardon? New jersey?

No :p

I cant tell

u wrote it text xd

Would it be radical to say that both the left and right can be ultra cringe?

idk lol

On a lighter note, why do you guys think abortion is bad? If its just a cell whats there to make a fuss about?

Pro choice

I can see you being pro life if the baby is about to be born, in which case you have my sympathies, but not if its a cell.

its not a baby, its a tiny cell

one of thousands

Killing a cell isnt the same as killing a person

why do you care about this thing so much


I can understanf

@Dr. Mathew its an egg cell

But its not a child

@Suspected Kyle at the inconvenience at the mother, its simply just a cell, mothers who are struggling with income wont take to your poetry very kindly

Are you for a secular america?

If your for a secular america youd put your religions aside

You can not abort your own baby if you wish, but dont force others

Religious freedoms

They can be a hoe if they want

Why do you want to press your religion on evberybody?

Okay, Ill reiterate, I dont think the flag should be banned, i just want people to stop thinking its their "heritage"

what if she does

your dancing around the point, keep your religion out of their lives

I will

all 30 million

This is your religious belief, dont press others to adopt it

Simple question, if you become president, will you ban abortion?

@Dr. Mathew Im talking to everybody who is pro life

Its not a human, its just a cell

accept it

its a cell

You guys are sick ngl... If you are pro life thats fine, but your puting seculars America at risk by trying to have everybody to accept your religion.

its a cell kid

okay, new topic

Im not awnsering anymore pro life things

Did you know Russia made wife beating legal?

Its crazy

Yeah, russia has legalized wife beating

@KermitTheFrog what do you mean? new artical?

Guys your talking to yourselves, Im not reading anything you say earnestly

Okay hold on

my video I linked goes in depth

hes a rly good youtuber

One of the main Polandballers too

It sure feels good that so many people care about my opinion doesnt it?

@OneOuts idk about that

Yes, and debating one lefty will do all that

@OneOuts Umm, Im not sure what your talking about Im afraid, nor what you are insinuating

@KermitTheFrog I think the saying is a bit different if I remember correctly..

@OneOuts Pardon me bloke, but im not sure what your talking about..

Boy Im glad that the US is secular

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