Message from @BIRdOS

Discord ID: 778954743674306560

2020-11-19 12:04:28 UTC  

@BIRdOS I barely get any snow maybe a couple of inches max every year.

2020-11-19 12:04:38 UTC  


2020-11-19 12:04:39 UTC  

with less tornadoes and more straight line wind

2020-11-19 12:04:43 UTC  

Only socialists who live in the States hate Israel

2020-11-19 12:05:09 UTC  

european socialists too

2020-11-19 12:05:12 UTC  

And maybe Gret Britain

2020-11-19 12:05:18 UTC  

ah ok, yeah it just always confused me, it's like why does the only jewish state make you hate them so much?

2020-11-19 12:05:58 UTC  

We're oppressing the poor little Muslims, don'tcha know...

2020-11-19 12:05:59 UTC  

I've heard Israel's Emergency alerts for TV, that siren sounds like something out silent hill

2020-11-19 12:06:00 UTC  

Here’s hoping for a hwite christmas this year, still so far no snow to be even heard of

2020-11-19 12:06:22 UTC  

like if the undead had a siren

2020-11-19 12:06:26 UTC  

@Dante Because socialists support terrorist groups.

2020-11-19 12:06:42 UTC  

Try living in a country that gets bombed on a monthly basis. You'd want a siren out of Silent Hill, trust me

2020-11-19 12:06:59 UTC  

Did you guys see what the French president said about Islam? and how the Islamic countries are shitty at him, they said they're getting treated as bad as the jews were before the war

2020-11-19 12:07:02 UTC  

oh yeah I belive it

2020-11-19 12:07:21 UTC  

LoL yeah

2020-11-19 12:07:27 UTC  

@Smitty terrorist? Don’t you mean misunderstood?

2020-11-19 12:07:27 UTC  

I don't generally agree with France but what he said isn't racist

2020-11-19 12:07:41 UTC  

My radio gave me 4 amber alerts this past weekend

2020-11-19 12:07:59 UTC  

they've had the most terror attacks out of all the Euro + western countries

2020-11-19 12:08:03 UTC  

3 sunday and one mid monday, within 24 hours

2020-11-19 12:08:10 UTC  

Theres a show on Netflix about a teacher student pedophilia relationship

2020-11-19 12:08:12 UTC  

@AntonLifeless What do you mean by misunderstood?

2020-11-19 12:08:31 UTC  

Terror attacks, I mean mostly peaceful protests

2020-11-19 12:08:32 UTC  

@Smitty tried to make laughing humor

2020-11-19 12:08:42 UTC  


2020-11-19 12:08:44 UTC  
2020-11-19 12:08:50 UTC  

we've never had this many cases in that short of a time

2020-11-19 12:09:01 UTC  

@Smitty no harm done

2020-11-19 12:09:19 UTC  

omg, why are they trying to make pedofiles mainstream accepted?

2020-11-19 12:09:24 UTC  

Anyway got to get back to work. I'm out

2020-11-19 12:09:32 UTC  
2020-11-19 12:09:54 UTC  

one of the cases was a car theft where a child happened to be in the car that was stolen

2020-11-19 12:09:55 UTC  

Cause good old values BÄÄD

2020-11-19 12:10:21 UTC  

I wish I knew if the kids were safe or not

2020-11-19 12:10:38 UTC  

@AntonLifeless Yeah, that's what leftist think.

2020-11-19 12:10:54 UTC  

something chilling about my radio telling me about a missing child only to never find it if the poor things okay

2020-11-19 12:11:33 UTC  

Y’all need a follow-up to those

2020-11-19 12:11:44 UTC  


2020-11-19 12:11:53 UTC  

It's weird

2020-11-19 12:11:55 UTC  

I know what going to happen come winter though