
Discord ID: 778930529755332619

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Hey all. Total noob so be gentle (or not). Here's a little something I created yesterday

A meme a day keeps the doxxer away...

Don't say WOKE...

someone did ^^

Bruh it was a joke chill

Tornadoes...the most exciting thing we've got here is a light wind...

We might not have tornadoes, but we've got a sh*tload of arab/Muslim countries all around us. I'll take tornadoes, if you don't mind


I mean Israel

Only socialists who live in the States hate Israel

And maybe Gret Britain

We're oppressing the poor little Muslims, don'tcha know...

Try living in a country that gets bombed on a monthly basis. You'd want a siren out of Silent Hill, trust me

LoL yeah

Anyway got to get back to work. I'm out

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