Message from @Knotty

Discord ID: 780138828883034132

2020-11-22 18:28:35 UTC  

posted on Discord which I think was made by a white dude

2020-11-22 18:28:39 UTC  

They can eff off with that nonsense...unless they would like to pay off my home loan and give me free rides on demand...

2020-11-22 18:29:15 UTC  

I am 1/2 white and 1/2 native american. If anyone gets to bitch about white poeple it would be the Native Americans who were killed off enmass. Then again several of the Tribe flat out earned it.

2020-11-22 18:29:25 UTC  

then they will own you completely maximum .. what we need to do is fight tooth and nail against it

2020-11-22 18:29:30 UTC  

Personally, I love the whole "we have to save the world from plastic straws" and yet they also get a new iPhone every year

2020-11-22 18:29:30 UTC  

Though, if they would like to pay my renovation costs that would be awesome...

2020-11-22 18:30:08 UTC  

Trust fund babies are the single greatest gift to memedom that god could ever give.

2020-11-22 18:30:15 UTC  

they will pay your costs at first as long as you lick there boots but the second you are no longer of use you will be ether forgotten or killed off.. welcome to communism

2020-11-22 18:30:44 UTC  

America: The country where white people accuse black people of being white supremacists.

This is why aliens wonโ€™t visit us.

2020-11-22 18:31:06 UTC  

The aliens saw Twitter and Tumblr and just said "nah"

2020-11-22 18:31:24 UTC  

according to the government they admited they are .. but with the insanity that is 2020 who cares

2020-11-22 18:31:39 UTC  

dude you are sugar coating it too much. The moment communism is in place they kill ALL the revolutionaries, and then censor EVERYTHING about them killing usually millions of people.

2020-11-22 18:32:17 UTC  

and then get other countries to not tell the truth about it either. Personally, I never learned in school what happened after that picture at Tiananmen Square.

2020-11-22 18:32:24 UTC  

no i was saying it from a person who followes there bs point of view.. we will be on lists in camps as slave labor or killed off i know thta

2020-11-22 18:32:30 UTC  

Had to do my own research about that one.

2020-11-22 18:32:33 UTC  

@๐““. ๐“ข. or we can go all Alex Jones and say "they are already among us and trying to tear us apart behind the scenes"

2020-11-22 18:32:43 UTC  

"we should protest animal cruelty by going to a zoo and killing all the endangered animals to show how cruel it is!!!!!" ~ Leftie logic

2020-11-22 18:32:47 UTC  

Socialism is communism that's sugar coated

2020-11-22 18:32:50 UTC  

Change my mind

2020-11-22 18:33:05 UTC  

sociallism is they gateway for communism

2020-11-22 18:33:11 UTC  

LMAO I learned that shit in World history in Germany, but in Murika gotta show a Stronk china.

2020-11-22 18:33:14 UTC  

I mean that's basically how I see it. "This word has a bad connotation, so we're gonna just use a different word."

2020-11-22 18:33:20 UTC  

once again

2020-11-22 18:33:40 UTC  

Shit man China got RID of the 1 child policy because their military was suffering so badly from the "little emperor" generations.

2020-11-22 18:33:46 UTC  

I miss when America was the sleeping dragon in the World Wars'

2020-11-22 18:34:03 UTC  

Those were good 'ol days

2020-11-22 18:34:07 UTC  

These are the eight levels of controls by Saul Alinsky to transform a nation through socialism into communism.

1. Healthcare โ€“ control healthcare and you control the people.

2. Poverty โ€“ Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you provide everything for them to live.

3. Debt โ€“ Increase the debt level to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes and this will produce more poverty.

2020-11-22 18:34:21 UTC  

4. Gun control โ€“ Remove the ability to defend themselves from government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5. Welfare โ€“ Take control of every aspect (food, housing, income) of their lives because that will make them fully dependent on the government.

6. Education โ€“ Take control of what people read and listen to and take control or what children learn in school.

7. Religion โ€“ Remove belief in God from the government and schools because the people need to believe in only the government knowing what is best for the people.

8. Class warfare โ€“ Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. Eliminate the middle class.

2020-11-22 18:34:29 UTC  

Xi is an ONLY child and is a weak man because of it. It will be 20-40 YEARS before china even recovers from the "little emperor" generations.

2020-11-22 18:34:31 UTC  

sound familiar?

2020-11-22 18:34:42 UTC  

That's like everything Biden is tryna push

2020-11-22 18:34:44 UTC  

Saul Alinsky and Yuri Bezmenov (I think that's his name) are surprisingly below the radar for many people.

2020-11-22 18:35:07 UTC  

I absolutely cannot believe they are selling lies and deception marketed to kids at none other than target ๐Ÿ˜ก

2020-11-22 18:35:42 UTC  

You know what I find the funniest? My husband and I have this guy we know (who deleted an blocked me, because I made his head explodes, though he doesn't realize that his arguments with my husband are just my husband trolling him intentionally)...anyway, he is super left, I used the intersectional argument with him, suddenly intersectionality didn't matter anymore. His straight, white, male privilege was not a thing, because I was an evil police supporting Trumpette. ๐Ÿ˜… They do not make any sense, I even pointed out his 'privilege' (I far from believe that nonsense) and it was like I wasn't even speaking the same language, he couldn't understand his hypocrisy. ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ

2020-11-22 18:35:45 UTC  

Wtf target

2020-11-22 18:35:49 UTC  

yea i think if a saw that i might just stand there and tear every page from every book on that shelf

2020-11-22 18:35:57 UTC  

straight from that great piece of fiction called "The Communist Manifesto"

2020-11-22 18:36:00 UTC  

Hello fellow Americans

2020-11-22 18:36:04 UTC  


2020-11-22 18:36:17 UTC  

Absolutely ashamed of target rn

2020-11-22 18:36:28 UTC  

MURIKA *freedom noises*