Message from @Knotty

Discord ID: 780137517667450950

2020-11-22 18:24:48 UTC  

That is the world war 2 and boomer generation fighting back against the government, and it is how they protest PEACEFULLY unlike the fuckwits now who burn down everything in sight and just want to kill people because they can get away with it. Hell has the guy that murdered 2 Trump supporters in Portland even been arrested yet?

2020-11-22 18:25:11 UTC  

I got really sick in March as well, I assumed that it was a really bad flu, but now I think it may had been Covid

2020-11-22 18:25:14 UTC  

Mr. Takahashi

2020-11-22 18:25:20 UTC  

Has ๐Ÿง… breath

2020-11-22 18:25:33 UTC  

I got sick in February over the Super Bowl

2020-11-22 18:25:38 UTC  

almost everyone has had it.. like i say coron is not the hoax its the reaction to it that is not only a hoax but a test to see how willing we are to comply with stupidity .. and unfortunately it seems far to many people fell for it

2020-11-22 18:25:43 UTC  

Antifa are a bunch of pussies who are roleplaying

2020-11-22 18:25:47 UTC  

Which was probably covid

2020-11-22 18:25:58 UTC  

sadly they also

2020-11-22 18:26:01 UTC  

@Max4Z bruh go get a life, you are always here when I get on๐Ÿคฃ

2020-11-22 18:26:18 UTC  

Bruh Iโ€™m bored, Iโ€™m on my phone

2020-11-22 18:26:24 UTC  

like how does burning down every single building in site make Black Lives better?

2020-11-22 18:26:31 UTC  

its also sunday ..

2020-11-22 18:26:35 UTC  

anyone seen the video from I think it was vice or buzzfeed, you know the upstanding news sources they are asking black americans "what are white people better at" if you haven't check it out on YouTube the like/dislike ratio is astounding.

2020-11-22 18:26:38 UTC  

Good morning Sunday morning

2020-11-22 18:26:50 UTC  

that's like protesting poaching by going out and punting kittens

2020-11-22 18:27:11 UTC  

"What are white people better at?" posted on a platform made by a couple of white dudes

2020-11-22 18:27:28 UTC  

Message link for those that want to watch it from <#719777555242287115>

2020-11-22 18:27:41 UTC  


2020-11-22 18:27:56 UTC  

by the way have you all read this shit in the great reset about no personal property by 2030?

2020-11-22 18:27:58 UTC  

@mikeflarkin don't trigger my PTSD about the white people man

2020-11-22 18:28:07 UTC  

they all bad.

2020-11-22 18:28:15 UTC  

according to the first 1/2 of that video

2020-11-22 18:28:35 UTC  

posted on Discord which I think was made by a white dude

2020-11-22 18:28:39 UTC  

They can eff off with that nonsense...unless they would like to pay off my home loan and give me free rides on demand...

2020-11-22 18:29:15 UTC  

I am 1/2 white and 1/2 native american. If anyone gets to bitch about white poeple it would be the Native Americans who were killed off enmass. Then again several of the Tribe flat out earned it.

2020-11-22 18:29:25 UTC  

then they will own you completely maximum .. what we need to do is fight tooth and nail against it

2020-11-22 18:29:30 UTC  

Personally, I love the whole "we have to save the world from plastic straws" and yet they also get a new iPhone every year

2020-11-22 18:29:30 UTC  

Though, if they would like to pay my renovation costs that would be awesome...

2020-11-22 18:30:08 UTC  

Trust fund babies are the single greatest gift to memedom that god could ever give.

2020-11-22 18:30:15 UTC  

they will pay your costs at first as long as you lick there boots but the second you are no longer of use you will be ether forgotten or killed off.. welcome to communism

2020-11-22 18:30:44 UTC  

America: The country where white people accuse black people of being white supremacists.

This is why aliens wonโ€™t visit us.

2020-11-22 18:31:06 UTC  

The aliens saw Twitter and Tumblr and just said "nah"

2020-11-22 18:31:24 UTC  

according to the government they admited they are .. but with the insanity that is 2020 who cares

2020-11-22 18:31:39 UTC  

dude you are sugar coating it too much. The moment communism is in place they kill ALL the revolutionaries, and then censor EVERYTHING about them killing usually millions of people.

2020-11-22 18:32:17 UTC  

and then get other countries to not tell the truth about it either. Personally, I never learned in school what happened after that picture at Tiananmen Square.

2020-11-22 18:32:24 UTC  

no i was saying it from a person who followes there bs point of view.. we will be on lists in camps as slave labor or killed off i know thta

2020-11-22 18:32:30 UTC  

Had to do my own research about that one.

2020-11-22 18:32:33 UTC  

@๐““. ๐“ข. or we can go all Alex Jones and say "they are already among us and trying to tear us apart behind the scenes"

2020-11-22 18:32:43 UTC  

"we should protest animal cruelty by going to a zoo and killing all the endangered animals to show how cruel it is!!!!!" ~ Leftie logic

2020-11-22 18:32:47 UTC  

Socialism is communism that's sugar coated