Message from @URI_GEN
Discord ID: 784393075245318144
It’s a new type of governance
For the love of the world these fraud cases need to win
if you google "definition of racism" on google, one of the recommended searches is "definition of racism for **kids**"
i shit you the fuck not
“Anti racist baby”😂
I think every child with a brain knows racism is bad
fuk ur kookies
Some kids know what racism is most dont
children shouldn't be being taught about racism
Anti racism is a smoke screen for what they call “positive discrimination”, essentially discriminating against people who they believe to be privileged in any way possible, so essentially whites, Asians, Jews, men, straight people
Wether or not individuals in those groups are responsible for anything
They don’t care
It’s about hate and revenge
In fact i think racism and anti racism shouldn't be taught to kids so the next gen wont know what racism is
if you think white privilege is real, you're probably a white supremacist because you believe whites are superior
“White privilege” is a joke term
can't change my mind
Trump got in when I was 9-10 so learning what racism was kinda just happened naturally.
It means being successful in America, you don’t see it used as a term anywhere else. America has a lot of white people, so the most successful group has typically been whites
So that’s why it throws these anti racist guys off
When a group like Asian people are highly successful
They literally can not comprehend it
Doesn’t fit in their theory
There’s a lot of blacks famous to.
Football players, actors, anything really.
Yeah people àre just to caught up on these dumb trends
Fame and success are different is anecdotal, another can be measured more clearly with statistics
Has anyone met an male feminist
On the internet yes
I’ve met some misguided male feminists
Only online
I met some irl
They sound totally emasculated
Even though I live in a liberal state I live a rural area so male feminists aren’t common.
Their weirder than lgbt people
It is so unnerving.
To watch men say the woke stuff
It feels like it’s a crime against nature