Message from @johnfrum
Discord ID: 377157429214838794
the two fans are horrible underpowered when it came to heat production of MBB
and throttles af
and usualy they shipped 1 of them stuck
Just looks like it dehydrated the egg tbh
is it confirmed that that iphone x faceid while sleeping thing is legit?
Do you sleep facing your phone?
im referring to this
come on that's nothing new
my gf took my phone once while I was sleeping and used my finger to unlock it
fingerprint also works when you sleep
that's not a new concern
i asked someone who works as an apple genius and she told me that this video is faked somehow because faceid needs the eyes open and focused for it to work
@caw see that isolation boundary .. there should be aluminium/plastic walls to prevent arching from AC to DC side
wow that's pretty bad
my phone rang with a new WhatsApp notification during night, from a female name
@nahash not like it matters, bitches be tripping. Just going to drug you or get You drunk and then use your eyes.
@Nahash it only needs eyes to look into camera not focused (it cant scan iris for focus due X and Y million problems)
aka sleep eyes open >just finding right spot
>implying any other girl would remotely consider touching me
not even with spear ?
from rather tolerable distance away
remote controlled with IED robot
they wouldn't even walk in my direction if I'm visible
They can detect your crazy gf
No I'm just the very typical /g/
reading over the FaceID security whitepaper and rewatching the video, i think that it was staged
funny but not good anti apple material
Or maybe it was because he's asian and faceid has no idea if the eyes are open or not
This would not surprise me
didn't htc have a similar situation?
Think it was woth blacks
actually rereading the white paper
" When a face is detected, Face ID confirms
attention and intent to unlock by detecting that your eyes are open and directed
at your device; for accessibility, this is disabled when VoiceOver is activated or
can be disabled separately, if required. "
so it's either that he disabled the attention requiring bit or it's fake
i mean, the phone was conveniently open on the app to directly send money to the prankster, also the 'sleeping' person is off cam when they unlock it
seems pretty fake to me
yeah, much more likely to be faked