Message from @Cole

Discord ID: 380116385260634115

2017-11-14 22:04:41 UTC  

@Droidbot | \❌ | Your permission level is too low to execute that command. The command requires permission level 2 (Server Moderator) and you are level 0 (Server Member).

2017-11-14 22:04:46 UTC  


2017-11-14 22:04:47 UTC  

it would lead to a lot of philosophy

2017-11-14 22:04:54 UTC  

Windatica is awake ask about reasons in discord

2017-11-14 22:05:00 UTC  

inb4 kicked

2017-11-14 22:05:16 UTC  

$warn helloworld

2017-11-14 22:05:16 UTC  

@Ryptun | \❌ | Your permission level is too low to execute that command. The command requires permission level 2 (Server Moderator) and you are level 0 (Server Member).

2017-11-14 22:05:16 UTC  

d-don't do it senpai

2017-11-14 22:05:20 UTC  


2017-11-14 22:05:33 UTC  

Windys gonna kill you

2017-11-14 22:05:35 UTC  


2017-11-14 22:05:38 UTC  

I'm retarded

2017-11-14 22:05:44 UTC  

thanks botnet keyboard

2017-11-14 22:06:08 UTC  

@Deleted User already got Tribit on my ass like I owe him money

2017-11-14 22:06:10 UTC  

windys can pat my head and call me good boy <:GWowoKannaBear:358701785617268738>

2017-11-14 22:06:13 UTC  

one at a time please

2017-11-14 22:06:28 UTC  

windys can pat my head and call me good boy <:GWowoKannaBear:358701785617268738>

2017-11-14 22:06:33 UTC  

Discord is having issues I guess

2017-11-14 22:06:33 UTC  


2017-11-14 22:06:41 UTC  

messages failing to send

2017-11-14 22:06:48 UTC  

Windatica why

2017-11-14 22:06:52 UTC  

anime was a mistake

2017-11-14 22:06:56 UTC  

its discord nibba

2017-11-14 22:06:58 UTC  

@Deleted User already got Tribit on my ass like I owe him money

2017-11-14 22:06:58 UTC  

wtf is discord servers

2017-11-14 22:07:01 UTC  

one at a time please

2017-11-14 22:07:05 UTC  

its doing it in Australia too

2017-11-14 22:07:06 UTC  


2017-11-14 22:07:42 UTC  


2017-11-14 22:07:43 UTC  

is it doing it here?

2017-11-14 22:07:43 UTC  

yep it is

2017-11-14 22:07:56 UTC  

i know yesterday there was a outage for a couple of minutes

2017-11-14 22:08:06 UTC  

its probably related

2017-11-14 22:08:07 UTC  

discord is shitting me

2017-11-14 22:08:15 UTC  


2017-11-14 22:08:21 UTC  

fucking kys discord

2017-11-14 22:08:35 UTC  

i know yesterday there was a outage for a couple of minutes

2017-11-14 22:08:37 UTC  

its probably related

2017-11-14 22:08:38 UTC

2017-11-14 22:09:06 UTC  

I can send photos but not text messages

2017-11-14 22:09:16 UTC  

oh it works again nice