Message from @Black Squadron

Discord ID: 795471796165148683

2021-01-04 01:57:55 UTC  

I agree isoboto

2021-01-04 01:58:07 UTC  

That worked well last time

2021-01-04 01:58:11 UTC  

I didnt comprehend what hobo said

2021-01-04 01:58:33 UTC  

Which is why I’ll infiltrate the police and turn them all on the side of true justice according to the constitution (which won’t be hard bc most are already there)

2021-01-04 01:58:38 UTC  

cuz it was a war over something serious

2021-01-04 01:58:45 UTC  

this is a conflict over something dumb

2021-01-04 01:58:54 UTC  

Often hobos don’t make much sense

2021-01-04 01:58:58 UTC  

i know your coroner dream is for a reason <:thinking:726878987837636698>

2021-01-04 01:59:02 UTC  


2021-01-04 01:59:03 UTC  


2021-01-04 01:59:06 UTC  

Lmao exactly

2021-01-04 01:59:09 UTC  

I feel bad for some police because they have to obey the law but the police could just avoid the people so idk where to stand

2021-01-04 01:59:15 UTC  

Something dumb, not really

2021-01-04 01:59:37 UTC  

what theyre saying it is isnt dumb but what it actually is is dumb

2021-01-04 01:59:48 UTC  

It’s our freedom

2021-01-04 01:59:50 UTC  

theres barely any "white supremacists"

2021-01-04 01:59:54 UTC  


2021-01-04 02:00:16 UTC  

White supremacists are rare so is black supremacists end of story

2021-01-04 02:00:19 UTC  

i know good police exists. but with the tension and the pressure right now, good police are dropping out, allowing bad polices to filter in more easily. which is why i'm not 100% on board with abolishing the police yet, but i may if the situation continue

2021-01-04 02:00:37 UTC  

police need to not be defunded

2021-01-04 02:00:55 UTC  

Give police nukes and no crime will be happening jk

2021-01-04 02:00:59 UTC  


2021-01-04 02:01:10 UTC  

but then we'll probably get something worse than anime

2021-01-04 02:01:12 UTC  

Yea I think the police are just quitting at rates never been seen before and they can only recruit bad cops

2021-01-04 02:01:19 UTC  


2021-01-04 02:01:23 UTC  

for sure. reforms required money.

2021-01-04 02:01:52 UTC  

Theres also cops giving covid fines and tbh I think they should just avoid it, some like a rally xant be avoided but just keep driving

2021-01-04 02:01:54 UTC  

If police goes away, so does any safety left in cities and counties alike

2021-01-04 02:02:30 UTC  

Also ant suggestion on what needs to be reformed?

2021-01-04 02:02:31 UTC  

there is not much safety in leftist areas now

2021-01-04 02:02:42 UTC  

perhaps. which is why i want citizens to be armed to the teeth. Cheran abolished their police and chased our the cartel and became the safest area in Mexico:

2021-01-04 02:02:45 UTC  

Chaz mentioned racial training, demilitarize and something else

2021-01-04 02:03:01 UTC  

if shit hits the fan, the cities are falling first. so

2021-01-04 02:03:23 UTC  

Do you think citizens should be able to own fully automatic guns

2021-01-04 02:03:24 UTC  

The funny thing is police aren’t really militarized

2021-01-04 02:03:30 UTC  


2021-01-04 02:03:41 UTC  

i want more programs that connect local police with local residents as well as education programs for the public on how to deal with cops

2021-01-04 02:03:42 UTC  

Yea banning guns will make people unable to defend and people can illegally buy it

2021-01-04 02:03:49 UTC  


2021-01-04 02:03:53 UTC  

Here’s the thing

2021-01-04 02:03:55 UTC  

*cough* blm