Message from @cjharmer73

Discord ID: 383466131245105152

2017-11-24 03:56:15 UTC  

>sciecne is le racist

2017-11-24 03:56:17 UTC  

i live in austarlia, they took away that right ages ago

2017-11-24 03:56:19 UTC  

>had to move 10 large key lock shelving units after eating massive thanksgiving dinner

2017-11-24 03:56:26 UTC  


2017-11-24 03:56:33 UTC  

hey amerifats

2017-11-24 03:56:33 UTC  

why are we fighting over politics

2017-11-24 03:56:34 UTC  

I don't tho k I've felt this sick in a while

2017-11-24 03:56:36 UTC  

buy guns

2017-11-24 03:56:39 UTC  

I peaced out and went to work before i had to move shit

2017-11-24 03:56:47 UTC  

We aren't fighting, we all mutally hate browns

2017-11-24 03:56:53 UTC  

especially @lolol

2017-11-24 03:56:58 UTC  

the only thing about africa that i find neat is you can buy an A47 for like

2017-11-24 03:56:59 UTC  


2017-11-24 03:57:02 UTC  


2017-11-24 03:57:07 UTC  

which is less then i paid for gas this month

2017-11-24 03:57:11 UTC  

I really hope () don't fuck up the 2A

2017-11-24 03:57:17 UTC  

is you living in africa not a meme 9pawp?

2017-11-24 03:57:19 UTC  


2017-11-24 03:57:25 UTC  


2017-11-24 03:57:27 UTC  

im American

2017-11-24 03:57:30 UTC  

thank god

2017-11-24 03:57:31 UTC  

I like the Bill of Rights

2017-11-24 03:57:38 UTC  


2017-11-24 03:57:40 UTC  

I enjoy my first world country

2017-11-24 03:57:44 UTC  

>americans went from we are the best
>to we are the worst and shouldn't live
>tfw liberal jewish professors infected tons of white students into self hatred
>this has now spread to europe as more common

2017-11-24 03:57:48 UTC  

i too, enjoy civilization

2017-11-24 03:58:00 UTC  

its all downhill from here

2017-11-24 03:58:02 UTC  

Huh, had no idea we had people ordering chinkshit from every continent

2017-11-24 03:58:05 UTC  

I have a single fire .22 cause im a little baby

2017-11-24 03:58:05 UTC  

i REALLY REALLY REALY want another war to start in europe

2017-11-24 03:58:07 UTC  

minority from 2050

2017-11-24 03:58:09 UTC  

so american can sell guns to both sides

2017-11-24 03:58:18 UTC  

Now we only need to confirm daikis to Antartica

2017-11-24 03:58:21 UTC  

and just continue being the richest and best baller in the park

2017-11-24 03:58:22 UTC  

I own 3 pistols, 1 rifle, and 1 shotgun. bretty good

2017-11-24 03:58:37 UTC  

I have access to a LOT of guns but i legally dont own any

2017-11-24 03:58:46 UTC  

im goign to get a hunting rifle and shoot it out back to keep my aim up

2017-11-24 03:58:48 UTC  

im inheriting my uncles gun collection which is bretty good

2017-11-24 03:58:55 UTC  

then why the fuck are americans so obsessedm with chink knives if they all have 5 machine guns

2017-11-24 03:58:58 UTC  

heh sorry bud, all weapons in that war will be supplied by israel that america gave them

2017-11-24 03:59:14 UTC