Message from @cjharmer73

Discord ID: 383468359469236225

2017-11-24 04:04:43 UTC  


2017-11-24 04:04:50 UTC  

ill suck yo toes bitch

2017-11-24 04:04:51 UTC  

that's a real soyboy answer @Kaytee

2017-11-24 04:04:52 UTC  

>be on discord

2017-11-24 04:05:00 UTC  

you are either retarded, ondrugs, or a criminal

2017-11-24 04:05:05 UTC  

no normies use discord

2017-11-24 04:05:11 UTC  

not after they banned porn atleast

2017-11-24 04:05:12 UTC  

thats not true

2017-11-24 04:05:14 UTC  


2017-11-24 04:05:22 UTC  

wait they banned porn?

2017-11-24 04:05:27 UTC  

no they didnt

2017-11-24 04:05:42 UTC  

we literally have a nsfw board i was posting porn on yesterday

2017-11-24 04:05:44 UTC  

you got nsfw channels

2017-11-24 04:05:47 UTC  

last time i used skype i was 14 and saw another 14 year olds tities after i ruined her life and she became a sex addict 🤔

2017-11-24 04:05:48 UTC  


2017-11-24 04:06:03 UTC  


2017-11-24 04:06:07 UTC  

and now your 15 @Pawp

2017-11-24 04:06:08 UTC  

@i○bas no the real soyboy answer is to give them your phone wallet and car keys

2017-11-24 04:06:13 UTC  

actually im 23

2017-11-24 04:06:17 UTC  

just run, criminals are bad at shooting and will miss if they try

2017-11-24 04:06:21 UTC  


2017-11-24 04:06:33 UTC  

>buying ChinkShit

2017-11-24 04:06:34 UTC  

>be a women
>show tits
>life gets ruined

2017-11-24 04:06:35 UTC  

>not havign a real job

2017-11-24 04:06:36 UTC  

I'm 26...

2017-11-24 04:06:44 UTC  


2017-11-24 04:06:52 UTC  

Fuggoff, kiddo

2017-11-24 04:07:07 UTC  

i mean, if a criminal has ten shots, not some odds i'd like

2017-11-24 04:07:08 UTC  

can someone change my nickname to mr.jailbait or som

2017-11-24 04:07:10 UTC  

this spongebob condom can is made out of the thinnest shitteist metal known to man

2017-11-24 04:07:23 UTC  


2017-11-24 04:07:27 UTC  

this isnt some movie where im bobing and weaving through some dumb running pattern

2017-11-24 04:07:38 UTC  

oh shit i should actually do my paperwork for my job lmao brb

2017-11-24 04:07:39 UTC  

It's so you can bend it over your cock and use it as an extra condom

2017-11-24 04:07:48 UTC  

@cjharmer73 Inbox that shit in <#189466684938125312>

2017-11-24 04:07:50 UTC  

@i○bas if a cop can magdump and hit three times a stationary target with hands in the air, you think some untrained goon is gonna hit a fast moving target?

2017-11-24 04:08:00 UTC  

i cant open it its for a friend

2017-11-24 04:08:09 UTC  

@Kaytee Kel, cops have about as much range time as an average thug

2017-11-24 04:08:18 UTC  

>depending on a criminal's idiocy to save your life

2017-11-24 04:08:21 UTC  

their 21st birthday present is going to be a spongebob condom can and a chink jacket

2017-11-24 04:08:41 UTC  

>implying escalating a violent situation is more likely to save your life than getting out of it