Message from @cjharmer73

Discord ID: 383826850285355008

2017-11-25 03:31:13 UTC  

That is true unless you live in a city John

2017-11-25 03:31:20 UTC  

Why I think cartheives should be hung.

2017-11-25 03:31:36 UTC  

it is a pain in the ass to get license in france

2017-11-25 03:32:03 UTC  

what is a cartthief, a gypsy or something?

2017-11-25 03:32:07 UTC  

you have to pass shitty citizenship day at military casern and it is boring

2017-11-25 03:34:17 UTC  

@cjharmer73 a motorcart rustler

2017-11-25 03:34:49 UTC  

oh my ape brain just read it as cart thief as opposed to car thief

2017-11-25 03:38:07 UTC  

But yeah, any thief is basically the opposite of what society is build upon, if you steal property you are pretty scummy

2017-11-25 03:40:10 UTC  

why do you keep saying ape brain?

2017-11-25 03:40:55 UTC  

because i have a brain like an ape

2017-11-25 03:40:56 UTC  

every instance of this series of words said in this server was from you. CTRL+F :D

2017-11-25 03:42:39 UTC  

ook ook

2017-11-25 03:44:57 UTC  

man ajin is a great premise

2017-11-25 03:45:25 UTC  

well, the premise of the villain anyway

2017-11-25 03:45:52 UTC  

Dissolved into wank a quarter way through.

2017-11-25 03:48:48 UTC  

true, but one of my favorite ideas in fiction is what an immortal person would do

2017-11-25 03:49:40 UTC  

and ajin doesnt handle it great, but the idea alone is really strong, just a villain who cant die, fighting a protagonist who cant die

2017-11-25 03:50:00 UTC  

havent managed to find many series like that

2017-11-25 03:50:19 UTC  

Have you tried books?

2017-11-25 03:50:29 UTC  

Could swear there were a couple with that premise

2017-11-25 03:50:52 UTC  

the overlord webnovels are similar, man wakes up as Spooky skellington

2017-11-25 03:51:18 UTC  

procedes to spook surroundings knowing he is an undead being that is nigh unkillable

2017-11-25 03:51:29 UTC  

Man, it has been a while since I read a manga.

2017-11-25 03:51:58 UTC  

Last one was some slice of life thing with a woman living in the country side doing country things

2017-11-25 03:52:06 UTC  

kek, sounds comfy

2017-11-25 03:52:31 UTC  

franken fran was pretty similar, just an undead lady going around doing stupid surgeries and ruining peoples lives and having no sense of morals

2017-11-25 03:52:41 UTC  

Franken Fran a shit

2017-11-25 03:52:48 UTC  

Isn't that just blackjack with waifus?

2017-11-25 03:53:01 UTC  

implying blackjack doesnt have waifus?

2017-11-25 03:53:14 UTC  

It's been like a decade since I read it.

2017-11-25 03:53:24 UTC  

but blackjack generally succeeds, franken fran is almost the opposite

2017-11-25 03:54:04 UTC  

most of her surgeries are thinsg like, someone got hit by a truck, so i turned them into a catipillar to make them regrow bodyparts, oh fuck they wound up turning into a freakish mutant

2017-11-25 03:55:10 UTC  

the main sidestory of franken fran is about some guy who just spends a bunch of money to become an unkillable superhuman, and then is portrayed as a villain, so they create an even stronger superhuman who meets the orginal and they realize that their is no point fighting

2017-11-25 03:56:46 UTC  

then they create a 3rd guy to kill the other two but he has a victim complex or something and so never succeeds in killing them, then they run out of money and create a guy who has no powers besides immortality, the 4th guy is coninually turned into mincemeat and keeps surviving, which makes the 3rd guy with the victim complex get super hyped

2017-11-25 03:57:14 UTC  

Man, Japan is weird

2017-11-25 03:58:17 UTC  

Was never into the body horror genre, was never sure if it was a sex thing or not.

2017-11-25 04:01:17 UTC  

i guess i am just a degenerate, but i really do like that concept, its a shame there are so few stories about it, because a person that loses their mortality wouldnt behave like an animal

2017-11-25 04:01:47 UTC  

They totally would

2017-11-25 04:02:34 UTC  

Humans are the way they are because they are animals who know death awaits them, take that away and they'll likely become sloths

2017-11-25 04:08:21 UTC  

i disagree, a person wihtout mortality has the whole world open up to them, you could do anything you wanted if you coudlnt die, you get more options from losing the only definite in life

2017-11-25 04:10:35 UTC  

After about 100 years or so it'll end with someone stabbing themselves in a freakshow for heroin.