Message from @Cizdew🦨

Discord ID: 796535049939845131

2021-01-07 00:23:45 UTC  

If shit hits the fan, I’m moving to Guam

2021-01-07 00:23:47 UTC  

@dlhayden44 the server is trying to comply with discords new rule, which means they are forced to silence people so that they don't get the server shutdown.

2021-01-07 00:23:53 UTC  


2021-01-07 00:23:54 UTC  

Lmao fortnite is going silent on Twitter because of current events <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-01-07 00:23:55 UTC  

The problem is that if he does act, it sets a dangerous precedent.

2021-01-07 00:24:08 UTC  

A civil war may kill you and your loved ones its not something to take lightly

2021-01-07 00:24:32 UTC  

Fuk the libs

2021-01-07 00:24:33 UTC  

Yes we don’t want Kamala’s vp to use this when we rock her shit in 24

2021-01-07 00:24:33 UTC  

A dangerous precedent? Our country is not going to survive for it to happen a second time. They CONTROL the elections and now the ENTIRE gov. What do you think is going to happen.

2021-01-07 00:24:36 UTC  

Yeah I get that 100% but all it was was they dissapearwd, I didn’t get warm or anything, but also I thought they were fine. Idk 🤷🏼‍♂️

2021-01-07 00:24:38 UTC  

What exactly is happening? From what I heard there was some type of raid or something on Capitol Hill and they had to lock down the Congressional buildings

2021-01-07 00:24:44 UTC  

i'm still hoping there's a why to resolve things peacefully because any kind of civil war would end up destroying/majorly weaken us and could end up making our enemies stronger

2021-01-07 00:24:51 UTC  

Civil War or not, all faith in the media, the government, and even the peoples' voice is now eroded. Not even sure how to recover from that.

2021-01-07 00:24:58 UTC  

@Gene. I agree it is not a joke and should not be made a joke. What comes next decides the fate of us, our kids, and every generation that comes after. This is serious stuff and should be treated seriously.

2021-01-07 00:25:03 UTC  

Imagine not having freedom of speech in a america

2021-01-07 00:25:04 UTC  

Not the courts <:Dude:726878886411108474> <:Dude:726878886411108474>CheeringPepe: <:CheeringPepe:781198443640389632>

2021-01-07 00:25:09 UTC  

you DON'T GET IT. There are NO fair elections anymore! They control it all. oh my goodness

2021-01-07 00:25:41 UTC  

some dumbasses stormed the capital building and essentially took it over leading to someone being shot and killed and now the media and left are having a field day with it to put it nicely

2021-01-07 00:25:42 UTC  


2021-01-07 00:25:42 UTC  

Sacrificing us for freedom for the future generations.

2021-01-07 00:25:54 UTC  

I just can’t believe that America could be this corrupt when it comes to elections

2021-01-07 00:25:55 UTC  

Antifa infiltrated the Patriot groups today

2021-01-07 00:26:02 UTC  

yes let's all cheer, so this is how the republic ends...

2021-01-07 00:26:03 UTC  

How come the republican party won - *flipped* - house seats? If there are no fair elections then why aren’t those seats democrat?

2021-01-07 00:26:04 UTC  

If the DEMS win there will be no more elections

2021-01-07 00:26:15 UTC  

If America goes with Civil War it will not bring Prosperity it will only bring global chaos and condemnation, not to mention the several Americans who may be expelled from their homes and Could be easily killed in the crossfire. A civil war regardless of who starts at will completely destroy the ideals of America. just like how the first Civil War was chaotic. Do we honestly want in 300 years for the future children to be learning in school about the second American Civil War? No we don't want that at all.

2021-01-07 00:26:33 UTC  

Pence did the right thing in not doing that. Unfollowing trump is retarded, but if he helped get trump into being president then we would just have to wait till the left is in control and they would do the same thing to never leave. It would permanently ruin our country long term. That’s why he couldn’t do it

2021-01-07 00:26:40 UTC  

For the constitutional republic.

2021-01-07 00:26:49 UTC  

You are on too dangerous to be kept alive if you control the senate and the courts <:benSmirk:748215108781473823> <:benSmirk:748215108781473823>

2021-01-07 00:26:54 UTC  

If there was a civil war in a america australia and Vietnam are exposed to the Chinese for war

2021-01-07 00:27:00 UTC  

???? are you DENYING voter fraud? The only reason those flipped is because those have been stranglehold blue seats for years. The dems didn't prepare enough because they though they had those in the bag. YOu can see that they almost messed up the presidential vote because they had to STOP COUNTING VOTES election night to finish the fraud.

2021-01-07 00:27:05 UTC  

This decade is a shit show holy crap

2021-01-07 00:27:08 UTC  

@TheNarnian Absolutely true! People are taking about 2024, but there won’t be an election if 2024 if what is going on right now is tolerated.

2021-01-07 00:27:14 UTC  

absolutely not, voter fraud should be investigated to the absolute extent of the law.

2021-01-07 00:27:15 UTC  

Its treason then. <:YouKnowTheThing:723005092764319776>

2021-01-07 00:27:19 UTC  

It just started

2021-01-07 00:27:25 UTC  

@Viviana im in australia

2021-01-07 00:27:41 UTC  

I was waiting for trump to say he was the senate

2021-01-07 00:27:43 UTC  

i heard that antifa might have been the ones who attacked the capital but so far i've seen nothing backing that up so don't quote me on it

2021-01-07 00:27:47 UTC  

Yeah, but I'm like real life Emperor Palpatine is the good guy

2021-01-07 00:27:51 UTC  

Already we have pandemic and now protests (again) idk how it could get better