Message from @hek

Discord ID: 796760258130870293

2021-01-07 15:18:35 UTC  

The correlation lies in the severity of the problem in relation to numbers and availability or acuteness. Not everything is as it seems.

2021-01-07 15:18:37 UTC  

but they still....died? you could have had longer with them

2021-01-07 15:18:45 UTC  

I feel ignored and disenfranchised. *Flips table!* Spam spam spam! jk brb

2021-01-07 15:18:48 UTC  

I kinda figured

2021-01-07 15:18:48 UTC  

@definitelyNotHitler all of the younger, healthier relatives caught it and recovered quickly.

2021-01-07 15:19:02 UTC  

But its one of the smallest counties in gulf coast texas

2021-01-07 15:19:26 UTC  

okay i need some help bc in the response to the article about the capitol being raided, i have to provide things that shocked me and things i have learned and basically things that have to be answered politically. Problem is, my teacher has already given me 0's on assignments for giving conservative answers

2021-01-07 15:19:30 UTC  

The video after this woman got shot showed up on Facebook if anyone wants a link dm me

2021-01-07 15:19:43 UTC  

Cause a lot of y’all wanted it

2021-01-07 15:19:47 UTC  

Welcome to schools

2021-01-07 15:19:52 UTC  

@definitelyNotHitler my grandma survived it and she was always with my grandpa. And yes, but my grandpa had been suffering for a long time now and so have these other relatives. Do you want them to keep suffering for your selfish reasons of you wanting them by your side?

2021-01-07 15:19:53 UTC  

.warn @Kyle The Crusader Read the last announcement. This is not going to be mentioned here.

2021-01-07 15:19:53 UTC  

2021-01-07 15:19:55 UTC  


2021-01-07 15:19:55 UTC  

lol @Tex What is that emoji?

2021-01-07 15:19:56 UTC  

Report her for discrimination. Make sure all your answers have the links to them, and show. Her. Up.

2021-01-07 15:20:15 UTC  

<a:catJam:745138323198181427> catJam

2021-01-07 15:20:24 UTC  

Good luck. I failed college English once over a prof like that

2021-01-07 15:20:25 UTC  

Rude 😒 im Dyslexic i dont read

2021-01-07 15:20:29 UTC  

Oh heck yes! lol

2021-01-07 15:20:48 UTC  

nobody would probably do anything bc my school district is in the same county as my state's capital city, which as you know, is a hotspot for liberals

2021-01-07 15:21:17 UTC  

@definitelyNotHitler my other grandfather who passed away a few years ago to brain cancer said if we were faced with the decision of letting him die or live but suffer, to let him die. We didn’t and he died suffering. We regret wholeheartedly.

2021-01-07 15:21:24 UTC  

Sometimes its best to just pretend you agree to get through it, unfortunately

2021-01-07 15:21:27 UTC  

You misspelled lysdexic. Wait, no. Lysdexis untie!

2021-01-07 15:21:29 UTC  

Daaamn, thats sucks

2021-01-07 15:21:29 UTC  

Best thing I can recommend people do if you're worried, take the covid check and get a shotgun. Their cheap, easy to use and you dont have to be very good at shooting

2021-01-07 15:21:36 UTC  

I’m really sad

2021-01-07 15:21:48 UTC  

We lost

2021-01-07 15:21:57 UTC  

Don't be sad get Glad

2021-01-07 15:22:00 UTC  

welp i have 19 minutes to write my response, pain will be caused

2021-01-07 15:22:11 UTC  

Also the ammo is easily refilled

2021-01-07 15:22:15 UTC  

How can I be happy

2021-01-07 15:22:15 UTC  

Best of luck

2021-01-07 15:22:19 UTC  

I doubt Biden can undo gun laws in 4 years - hopefully

2021-01-07 15:22:29 UTC  

Because it's not gonna be that bad

2021-01-07 15:22:33 UTC  

Yeah in a pinch it can be dealers choice if you're brave enough

2021-01-07 15:22:41 UTC  

Should I watch Bob Ross

2021-01-07 15:22:43 UTC  

don't be sad

2021-01-07 15:22:51 UTC  


2021-01-07 15:22:54 UTC  

It will

2021-01-07 15:23:04 UTC  

I have ten pounds of potatoes and can throw a 95 mph fastball. Come at me, bro.