Message from @Мстислав "Нещадний" Дельссон
Discord ID: 756009687010377810
a *pride* hat?
Those are the official ones the $ goes to the trump campaign
okay okay!
i did not know there were pride hats
The gays pay extra...
*sad homo noises*
i mean i dont mind it i guess but
i just dont see the pride in your sexuality
How to prank your friends!
Step one: Persuade them to have sex with you.
Step two: Identify as a 6-year-old.
Step three: Laugh as they get beaten up and worse in prison.
i'm not a fan of ballcaps
i don't have the head for them
Meryl you seem more into ballcages
what... am... I... reading.....
i'm not sure what that is
is it literally a ball cage?
You guys are weird.
can we go back to billy memes?
billy memes are better....
Google chastity
i know what chastity is
Who is billy?
i didn't know what ballcages were
Shhhh he legend
could've just said "chastity belt"
True but I wanted to follow along with your cage thing
i didn't say anything about cages
Maybe we should just Hiroshima this whole gen chat
I am fucking dyslexic