Message from @*sigh*

Discord ID: 757301897525723237

2020-09-20 18:00:14 UTC  

How they did the blood offerings n shiz

2020-09-20 18:00:21 UTC  

sacrifices ^

2020-09-20 18:00:22 UTC  


2020-09-20 18:00:40 UTC  

Realism + Altruism

2020-09-20 18:00:50 UTC  

i dont know what that's going to get me

2020-09-20 18:00:51 UTC  

Native American seems a lot about sacrifices and aesthetics

2020-09-20 18:01:16 UTC  

I’m pretty sure a lot of their garb is purely for aesthetic purposes

2020-09-20 18:01:40 UTC  


2020-09-20 18:03:50 UTC  


2020-09-20 18:04:10 UTC  

is a philosophy that everyone is pure but societies and institutions have corrupted their purity

2020-09-20 18:04:18 UTC  

it sounds reasonable but i don't think i can add it into my graph

2020-09-20 18:04:47 UTC  


2020-09-20 18:05:58 UTC  

Maybe theism is pragmaticism instead

2020-09-20 18:06:10 UTC  

“Pragmatism is a philosophical tradition centered on the linking of practice and theory. It describes a process where theory is extracted from practice”

2020-09-20 18:06:52 UTC  

Some religions are kind of like “yeah we don’t really give a shit if you practice our religion or not cuz it’s whatever bro”

2020-09-20 18:06:55 UTC  


2020-09-20 18:06:57 UTC  

That’s how I feel Buddhism is like

2020-09-20 18:07:02 UTC  

pragmatism has to do with logic

2020-09-20 18:07:21 UTC  

it's a philosophy that words and thoughts are tools for problem solving/actions

2020-09-20 18:07:22 UTC  

do they even worship a god in buddhism?

2020-09-20 18:07:42 UTC  

Umm Buddha..

2020-09-20 18:07:45 UTC  


2020-09-20 18:08:12 UTC  

Wait Buddhism doesn’t believe in a creator deity

2020-09-20 18:08:21 UTC  

Does that make it very not existential? Weird

2020-09-20 18:08:30 UTC  

Buddhism embraces the concept of nothingness so I guess so

2020-09-20 18:08:31 UTC  

wasn't buddha just a human

2020-09-20 18:08:38 UTC

2020-09-20 18:09:06 UTC  

Buddhism is “whatever IDRGAF: the religion” lol

2020-09-20 18:09:17 UTC  


2020-09-20 18:09:31 UTC  

guys im serious just hear me out

2020-09-20 18:09:53 UTC  

Buddhism is like “nothing exists, nothing is real”

2020-09-20 18:10:11 UTC  

so a redditor

2020-09-20 18:10:14 UTC  


2020-09-20 18:10:17 UTC  


2020-09-20 18:10:21 UTC  

im not familiar with some of the stuff being talked about, but where does materialism fall in under all that?

2020-09-20 18:10:23 UTC  

vandalism is my favorite philosophy

2020-09-20 18:10:37 UTC  

Same here but my word is biased

2020-09-20 18:10:54 UTC  

materialism was the same as aestheticism in my opinion

2020-09-20 18:11:11 UTC  

okay, thats what I thought but I havent ever really heard of aestheticism before

2020-09-20 18:11:28 UTC  

aestheticism is more about the pricelessness and work put into art and nature and stuff