Message from @DishonoredRonin

Discord ID: 759366096494788609

You are fat fuck

2020-09-26 10:43:54 UTC  

hell yeah

2020-09-26 10:43:59 UTC  

I’ll fuckin sit on you

You would snap my spine if you sat on me


2020-09-26 10:44:13 UTC  

at some point they need to start taking responsibility for their own lives

2020-09-26 10:44:17 UTC  


2020-09-26 10:44:20 UTC  

No, he's in training for winter operations hunting commies. LOL

2020-09-26 10:44:42 UTC  

Agreed, Meryl.

2020-09-26 10:46:51 UTC  

There's two solutions, but neither will happen. Either give them back their sovereignty and cut off all support from the government, or make them just "Americans" and have them live like the rest of us.

I just want to say before I go workout 50kg is better than 235lb


2020-09-26 10:48:04 UTC  

wow you're tiny

Tiny <:Pepega:559406965701476404>

I'm skinny

But not tiny

2020-09-26 10:48:31 UTC  

how tall are you?

2020-09-26 10:49:07 UTC  

someone's not bein honest

2020-09-26 10:49:45 UTC  

LOL 6' 6"?

2020-09-26 10:50:06 UTC  

Six *nine*?

I dont know what it is in feet

2020-09-26 10:50:19 UTC  

so you're 6 9 and you weigh 110 lbs?

Do you want me to send you picture as proof

2020-09-26 10:51:01 UTC  

New nickname: Skeletor.

2020-09-26 10:51:01 UTC  

> so you're 6 9 and you weigh 110 lbs?
N o i c e

2020-09-26 10:51:09 UTC  

dude i'm 5'2" and i weigh 105 and i'm pretty thin

What is 52 in cm

2020-09-26 10:51:37 UTC  

What are these imperial units bruh

2020-09-26 10:51:49 UTC  

This is funny as shit

2020-09-26 10:52:01 UTC  

Anyone wanna see what shit I deal with on Twitter?

2020-09-26 10:52:06 UTC  

Something like 158?

Show us commie

Wait they are 158cm?


2020-09-26 10:52:31 UTC  
