Message from @TheBlackRedneck
Discord ID: 760607864317673492
Obama sucks
he sucks things. MEga gay
@TheBlackRedneck At least I know what good convenience store food is and the Speed limit
One of the worst presidents along with james Buchanan and George w bush
Yeah but Biden has 180 years of experience doh
Ok we do speed
A lot
Although Hey I should be grateful for all the speeding tickets you texans cause boosts our economy
Wha , is new mexico seriously tryin to say that they could have kept our land?
Can someone tell me how nyt got $750
@KingZapapple mew Mexico works
cause like they say he payed 4.2 million in that same article
Texas would whoop y'alls ass , YeeHaw style
@snookka i gave up trying a while ago
Yall do alot of deserts tho
Obama in my eyes looked to be the most sane person usa has had for president, but it seems he done a lot of poor things
Obama to me is a professional lier
@snookka trying to decipher what the bs means
Trump may have paid $750 but that was because he paid the IRS millions to prevent this from happening
Oh.. sshhhhhh Tyler is in the house guys
> Texas would whoop y'alls ass , YeeHaw style
@KingZapapple Well Texas has tried us multiple times and it's basically like Germany invading Russia during the Winter
Thats true, but good luck against our Oil
If it wasnt for us Mexico would of had yalls land @guarddog
yo so what we doing for the debatw
Before Obama was president the USD was fairly strong, around 1$ gave you 7.5NOK
when he was president 1$ was 4.5Nok
Now with Trump its 1$ gives almost 11NOK
i love how they say trump pays 750$ in taxes, like he's the fkin president! they look for every bad thing they can and they only spot this now? how does that work? magic? oh wait right elections are coming, gotta make him look bad
Biden wants to shut down all oil drilling here and go back to Saudi
> If it wasnt for us Mexico would of had yalls land @guarddog
@TheBlackRedneck It was better when Mexico owned us because our state took up half of your state
Yeah but you guys lost the Alamo
our gas prices are miraculously cheap now because we are independent
We dont speak about that
Mexico would use yall for cartail hideouts