Message from @The SleepyDragon
Discord ID: 760606962571280474
Or just check cnn stream
Well lol yeah that's a given, maybe the young Turks will be streaming it
One thing I've always wondered about Americans. Why are you the only one using the imperial system of measuring?
@jimmy Norway
@GoCRAZY as in Cenk and friends?
Oh yeah we should crash their stream
The debates are 7:00 to 8:30pm for me
@GoCRAZY who do they stand with anyway?
I'm central
Glad I'm off work due to shoulder injury, otherwise i wouldn't be able to watch this live xD
Probably biden, they're super left
Labrum tear?
> I'm central
@TheBlackRedneck Well most of your state is except for the South West part
I live in texas
The Yee Yee state
@TheBlackRedneck I know I live in New Mexico and like part of your state is mountain
One is Jesus, the other is Holy Crap that's a man
Why did texas sell our land to nm @guarddog
@GoCRAZY you forgot the question mark
@TheBlackRedneck What was technically all ready our land
We sold it to yall
@TheBlackRedneck If anything you still have a sliver of land that belongs to us
We should of kept it. Would of made Texas bigger
It is ours and it will stay ours XD
Yeah no
Obama tried to sell it back but we aint letting that shill win
At least we know what "Good sweet tea" is @guarddog
Obama sucks
he sucks things. MEga gay
@TheBlackRedneck At least I know what good convenience store food is and the Speed limit
One of the worst presidents along with james Buchanan and George w bush
Yeah but Biden has 180 years of experience doh
Ok we do speed
A lot