Message from @Joe Biden
Discord ID: 760660476689776681
im a chest and thigh man
Shut up Trump or ill slap you on stage ton
for wat
29 now
trump is imminate
on his way
Does angone have the drinking game for tonight?
I'll do it with pepsi
28 now...
Counting down the minutes
My siblings and I are all underage so we're doing it with water so we can hydrate
Id fuck AOC wby
Aoc for president 2024
Ew aoc
When does it start again. 30mins?
27 minutes
@Altera Cephon Yeah
Fun fact: Fox News has a 15 second delay
the biden administration just denied having bidens ears checked before the debate, kinda sus.
Yeah 😂😂
Yeah they call it “absurd”
Vince dao said "as long as biden is alive after this, they'll think he did great"
normally when its something that only takes like one minute you do it to prove innocense
sorry grammar police
lol it is kinda absurd to check their ears for a debate
> lol it is kinda absurd to check their ears for a debate
@LeSwede but why not do it? prove trump wrong
use that as ammo
dont trip
takes like one minute
if he is so innocent
check trump blood every week and see whats there, definetly some enhancement drug, most people in high stress business does it